Clones in Bottles (Pics)


Well-Known Member
Check out what I came up with last night, its a self contained clone bottle with humidity dome. The medium is silica stone that I had left over from my aquarium. The wick is a old Adidas shell toe fat lace(nylon) that I never used and the bottles are from a Gatoraid drink and a regular water bottle. The pots are from some kind of jelly desert thing. The one in the larger bottle has rooted and has been alive for two weeks. The other one I just put in last night. The look over pruned cause I just cut off their nuts to collect some pollen.

I made these cause I was tired of my home made DWC, it was too cumbersome to move around with the hoses and power cord attached to the bucket.

Anyone done anything like this or did I just come up with a new idea?

You can see the water level in the bottle and then a second water level at the top of the stones. The wicking action is very strong with the silica and nylon rope.

Humidity domes on.

heres the roots forming

Heres my pollen stash collected with some help from Fdd.


Well-Known Member
heres an update, im not sure if these are roots or not please let me know what you guys think:

i forgot to add in my original post that these are cloned without and hormones or root stimulants.


Well-Known Member
i could use a airstone and pump but then that would defeat the purpose of the experiment. this is a modified version of the 'cutting in a cup' method of cloning. the silica stone is there to keep the plant stable, keep some light out of the rooting area and acts like a wick pulling water up to the plant to keep it from drying out.

to get oxygen to the roots i just lift the little cup off the water a bit and let the water drain pulling in fresh air to the roots like some passive flood and drain hydro systems do. i could use h2o2 but it might be a bit harsh on the little ones. ph of the water is kept at hydro levels.

b-rad, thanks for the info, i thought the nubs looked like the same thing roots are made of but just formed really weird.

heres another pic:

i tried rubbing on one of the nubs to see if it was mold but its not, its actual growth from the stem.


Well-Known Member
no prob. i thought that it was rotting too, but like a cupple days later i have roots. one of my other cliping is doing the samething so hopefully ill be able to get them in soil soon.


Active Member
I think what your doin is pretty damn smart. Maybe this expeiriment might go to hell but keep trying dude. If you can pull this off you will get alot of credit. You will be #1 in my book. Tryin to quit smokin but never stop tokin man.


Well-Known Member
I must say rep up for the bottle idea, can you post exactly how oyu made them? What exactly is the middle part? Is there another plastic piece?


Well-Known Member
that was too cool,keep pics posted. like hazey said, explain more. This one i'll be willing to try.


Well-Known Member
i just left my clippings in water bottles,..about 4 inches long they are,...i fill the water bottle all the way up,..and just drop them in. its amazing. its like a mini hydro set up. not only are mine forming those bumps on the bottom,..but they are actually absorbing light and growing up. they are very dark,..pretty green,..full of moisture,but not wilting. they actually look healthier than the mother plant in soil.


Well-Known Member
heres and update:

slow but surely its rooting.

i cut off the top as well when i put it in the bottle. i didnt think it would survive so i abused it a bit. its growing two new tops.

DaC, the middle cup with the stones in it is like a jell-o cup, anything that has a rim and will fit inside the bottle should work.


Well-Known Member
ahh I see. Ok but so you cut off the top to the bottle. placed jello cup in there. Now what? whats the blue stuff all in the bottem?? and the rocks are just like fishtank rocks right? so put the rocks inside the jello cup. and then what? how does the thing get water? Did you just germ the seed then sick it right into the rocks?? i'm new at all of this but wanting to try your idea. I admire it.



Well-Known Member
its a clone setup, there are no seed involved. its a piece cut off of an existing plant then stuck in this clone setup to form its own root system.

i think the blue stuff is wick, the water rises up through the wick into the cup with the stones to keep that area moist for the clone.

i am also very new at this, as you can tell by my sig and post count. if i am wrong about anything, please correct me guys.