Clones in foam cubes; how wet?


Active Member
I'm having a hard time mastering cloning. I'm not sure how long to keep the humidity dome on and when to just humidify with a humidifier in their small tent. I do not know how wet the cubes should be also. When they get all droopy, what are they trying to tell me? Thanks.



Active Member
when they droop they are rooting taking energy from leafs and turning into roots. The way i have had best results from cloning is by taking a cutting with two sets of fan leafs one near the bottom when i cut i make the 45's one on the stem and two in each fan leaf stem this increases surface area for roots to form. dip cutting in rooting gel the cubes i soak in super b+ and a rooting hormone i place the cubes in a dome and pour water that the cubes were soaking in and leave for a week after a week i start to open the holes on my dome to lower the humidity until i see roots out the bottom remove the dome and put into my hydro get 90% and up doing this


Well-Known Member
keep dome on remove to mist only put back on until rooted then open vent holes or prop it up a little to get fresh air in you want cubes moist but not soaking wet


Well-Known Member
First of all your stems on the cuttings are too long. You don't need 4-6 inches of bare stem.
Also, you need cuttings with more intact leaves. Without roots a clone has to absorb water
thru the leaves. So get shorter cuttings and leave more greenery up top.

My clones stay in the dome 24/7 although I open the dome to spray-mist the clone leaves
2-3 times a day. Sometimes just misting the leaves will help the drooping.

I switched from rockwool to the larger 2-inch jiffy cubes for cloning. I want the pellet to be wet on the bottom half.
It's easier to tell moisture level in the cubes so that's why I switched. I place the clone stem halfway into the pellet,
that's why I want the moisture level there.

Finally, when you see the top of the clone dry out and wither to brown - toss it then. It will not recover
and you are wasting time to try.
