Clones Looking Burned up/Discolored


Well-Known Member
These clones have been in a king cloner for about a week now, no nutrients have been added to the water. The water was filled up to the sprayers along with several drops of bleach/gal and two drops of thrivealive green. I also added one cup of hydrogen peroxide to the solution for added o2, probably not necessary but am wondering if this caused the problem? Do they need a humidity dome?

They are under two 32w T8s, 24 hours of light and the fixture is 6-8 inches above the canopy. Any help would be appreciated! Guess I'll go back to popping seeds for now..




Well-Known Member
A cup of hydrogen peroxide + bleach seems like unnessary and possibly dangerous to your plants. ThriveAlive isnt really worth it ether, IMO. Just use some water. And yes, cuttings prefer high humidity until they develop some roots.


You do not need the bleach, or the excessive amount of peroxide. Which was way too much. If you do wsnt, use like a tsp. I also use a king cloner. All i do is dip my razor knife in clonex, or aloe. Then add 1 tsp of K-l-n per gallon to resevior. I usually have roots in 4-7 days. The K-L-N is also pretty cheap. Love this stuff

Most power cloners do not allow light to penetrate to the resevior, so sropping algea growth shouldnt be an issue, most clones should he resdy to transplant in around two weeks, which is, in these conditions, less then time for most algea to grow.

Also, you have to take cuts from a healthy mother. So they say, but ive had best success taking cuttings from my mother in coco that just starts to show signs of N def. Take cuttings, put her back on reg feed. Been doing this for about 12 years now, every 2 weeks.

As for your clones, do they have roots already? If they do, are they brgiht white. If so, your plants should survive


Well-Known Member
Why create the an additional thread in a different location hoping to get a different answer. People have tried giving you advice and you have just gone off one them. You stated that you are following someone that has grown for over 40 years but your here looking for help. You have dismissed answers that people have given you saying you know better if you really knew better you wouldn't be here. I was trying to be nice and put answer politely but you want to dismiss help being offered because you know better LMAO. I will say you made several NOOB mistakes they are
1. one cup of hydrogen peroxide way to much
2. Thrive Alive B-1 you didnt read the directions and use a rooting hormone like it states
3.soaked in the bleach solution (helps form caluses) for half an hour WTF bleach REALLY!!!!!!!
4. cuts were taken and a flower was pinched off WTF why
5.Peroxide adds o2. If you have a seedling in a medium that isn't drying out quickly (not enough aeration/drainage) you can add hydrogen peroxide at ~ 1/2 cup/gal to help that process. I don't see any reason not to soak them in the bleach for a half hour but thanks You are in a cloner they will not drain and a aerocloner like you use has plenty of aeration for the water why add it
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