Clones not rooting


Hi all im having problems with my clones i have cut around 12 clones and so far only one is doing ok the rest are turning yellow on leave and no roots its been about 2 weeks on some and 1 1/2 on the others i made sure the cut was clean and at an angle trimmed the leaves used
rooting gel there under a dome not sure what i am doing wrong
they are in a small closet with 2 cfl lights 60w with a fan they were under a 150 w leaves started to get yellow so i lowered the watts
i also air them out at least 2-3 times a day there are air holes in the dome with fan on the top
not feeding any nutes yet wasn't sure when to start that any in put will help
please help


Well-Known Member
are you using tap water? i would avoid that. maybe add a drop or 2 of lemon juice to the water.(considering your using a 1qt sprayer)


Well-Known Member
Some strains are hard cloners like my oldest unknown bag seed and my OG plant,the rest of my plants clone fine.


Well-Known Member
Yellowing is overwatering with clones, reduce the amount of water used on each clone and you must have a heat mat unless its mid summer, the rootzone must stay around 85-90 24 hours a day.


well im having little luck on my plants in the last week i lost 3 to being male again and now today i discover a hermie all branches but one r female so i am taking it i should just garbage it Right!!!! i still have my first female and one other in 2 week of flowering there looking good lots of white hairs i have six clones from the first female and ended up taking them from the dome i had one with mold so got rid of the dome planted clones in some dirt and there doing good no mold

i didnt get time to take clones from the second female and she is in second week of flowering im guessing i shouldnt take from her now right!