Clones started at the 'age' of the mother plant - Photos included


Active Member
Friends and experts:

I have only one female plant, which I cloned as it started to flower.
(bag seed)

Please take a look at the attached photos, and voice your opinion.
There are two photos showing the entire plant(s) in a 3" peat pot, and
two photos that are close ups, to show the pistols and new growth.

The lower growth, with normal looking leaves was developed before
the cutting was taken from the mother plant, the upper rounded leaves
have grown since they were planted in the peat pots.

Please notice the new leaves are mostly rounded, without the familiar
jagged edges that are the normal shape.

Also, please notice that there are the little white hairs below the new
growth in the last photo.

Three questions:

(1) Does this mean that the new clone is stuck in flowering or budding
state forever?

(2) Will they return to full vegetative state in the future?

(3) Please let me know if you have ever seen this before, and if so,
what happened?




Well-Known Member
Guys that is what a revegging plant looks like initially!
Chiceh, out of all the people here you should know what a revegging plant looks like!!
It will return to normal growth in a bit, don't worry it'll be fine.