Clones turning yellow on me


Hi everybody....I put some clones in a cloning tray about five days ago and now they are starting to turn yellow. How do I fix the problem? All advice and feedback is very much appreciated, thanks.

cut the leaves more in half. yellowing is normal juss means she is concentrated more on root growth im pretty sure ha. im on my first grow tho so u might wanna google that shit


Active Member
looks kind of wet but it is a balancing act until roots kick into gear. raise your tray inside the dome if water is on the bottom, if your rapid rooters get saturated you could prevent roots from forming(no oxygen) and could have your clones turn to mush. you also need to gently foliar feed with a balanced but light nutrient. .01-.01-.01 as an example. if you can gently squeeze water out of your rooters, its way too wet. next...whats your ph, temps, formula, how healthy was the mother, etc. light is another thing, if you have too much it will leach the N from your clones thus not giving them enough "fat" to survive on until roots form.


Thanks for the responses guys. I will ease up on the watering and yes I do have a dome over them. The Ph is 6.5 and the temp is 75 to 80F. I was using a very weak vegetative nute solution to spray (Botanicare CNS17) leaves. Do I switch to bloom nutes? And I will try raising the tray a hair inside the dome to see if that helps. All the mothers came from a trusted grower I know at a local club, and came as clones, are disease free and healthy, have green crack, white widow, and platinum kush right now as mothers. Thanks for the advice peeps and happy growing to you all.:leaf::peace:


I got another problem with my white widow, looks like rust or browning on tips of leaves. Nute burn?


Here is the leaf below


Active Member
Thanks for the responses guys. I will ease up on the watering and yes I do have a dome over them. The Ph is 6.5 and the temp is 75 to 80F. I was using a very weak vegetative nute solution to spray (Botanicare CNS17) leaves. Do I switch to bloom nutes? And I will try raising the tray a hair inside the dome to see if that helps. All the mothers came from a trusted grower I know at a local club, and came as clones, are disease free and healthy, have green crack, white widow, and platinum kush right now as mothers. Thanks for the advice peeps and happy growing to you all.:leaf::peace:
cns17 is their commercial grade line up. for clones try a seaweed extract(old age or maxicrop) they seem to work well and it even says its for propagation on the label. 80 is too hot, and is that the temp inside the dome? if not then its ten degrees hotter inside there. not good. make a little air vent some how for air exchange, bloom nutes are fine but i prefer something more balanced. you still need N because the cutting is utilizing its stored energy in the cutting which is why you dont want bright light for depletes the N out. you still need P K for root growth and resiliency. short story clones are living off reserves and borrowed time until roots form. you look ok just some ideas to help out.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
a clone usually uses nutrients from fan leaves to start growing its roots. this will turn the leaves yellow and eventually kill them. but once it has a root structure it can start growing again.


I got some brand new 3 gallon bots and some FF ocean forest but didnt think it needed transplanting.I think I will now, they are little bigger than the one it's in and I wont have to worry about it being root bound for awhile, I want to use her for a mother. Thanks for the advice.