clones turning yellow. stems turning purple


Well-Known Member
The stems on my clones are starting to turn purple and the leaves are yellowing. I watered them with thrive alive red and some magiccal to help with nutrient uptake. I think the roots weren't growing because it was took cold so I put an incandesant bulb in there to warm the area up. The are no droplets of water on the dome anymore...did the plants just give up? am I to late to save them? Also some of the stems are getting puffy and white at the base where they meet the rockwool. all but one of the plants can be picked up by the stem and not get pulled out of the rockwool does that mean the roots are developed? They are no visable roots on the sides or bottom of the rockwool and its been a week.


Well-Known Member
did the stem where the clones went into the rockwool swell up and burst in some areas with white fuzzy stuff? also how do i know if my stems have root rot. whats it look like?


Well-Known Member
yea the bottom of some of the stems are swollen and have burst in some areas with white fuzzy plant material coming out of it. Could this be root development. Also out of all the clones only two of them can not hold the rockwool wif picked up by stems. today i pulled the two out that are like that and I redipped them in rooting hormone. Anyone else have any other ideas?


Well-Known Member

I know thread is old as hell but i have this same problem with bottom stem where it meets my jiffy cubes. All swollen and white stuff coming out.. Anyone know what this could be?
Yes that bump happens when there rooting nothing to worry about and the white fuzzy stuff is the roots they have a smaller fuzzy almost mold like "hairs" coming off them when the bump is large and starts to eat away and go brown its a air embalism
And "root rot" or "Damping off" causes the stems to turn slightly brown some times only in spots or streaks then leaves dry and turn brown as well