If you have the ability to get
a. Pest free clones that are
b. From truly great mother plants
c. Of lines that you're otherwise interested in growing
Then clones are by far the way to go, because you know that if you do your part, the results will be great. This is why where they are available, clones are the preferred way to start.
Of course its possible to get great results from ceed too, but it takes a few weeks longer to get the plant out of seedling stage, you may have to sex the plant, and you may have to deal with varying phenotypes, not all of which are stellar.
Advantages of ceed?
-Greater variety of ceeds available, including autoflower plants, and plants that generally aren't readily available as clones (eg interesting landraces, etc)
-Ceeds are in "suspended animation", so to speak. They don't take up much room, will stay viable for several years, and require no attention or maintenance until you're ready to plant them.