Clones Vs Seeds

Those kits wont work with this. If it was as easy as simple micropropigation, this viroid would have not become so devastating

Tissue culture can beat it in some cases because the viroid can be contained to singular branches or shoots, when they test a mother plant they take several cuttings from around the plant to be sure they don't miss it. It is possible to TC a non infected part of the plant and not get hplvd in the resulting clone. Also you can heat treat the propogation plates with the agar in them to sterilize the plant I'm pretty sure.

The other option is some sort of stem culture they take and do a similar process to, I believe it's called meristem or marestem. I've heard of Joe Ramahi(sp?) Who's one of the guys at dark horse working on this say that it has also been edited out with crispr although I don't know how true that is nor have I really seen anyone else talk about it at length.
What you have to do for thermotherapy is gradually increase the temperature of meristem culture from 37c-40c over a 2 week period. From what Ive read this give a 66-2/3% success rate.

Ive never done this process, as I know my plants are disease free. Some of my clones Ive had since 1999. My chem91skva clone came from someone very close to the original source.

  1. Thwarting a Potential Cannabis Catastrophe With Science ...
    Aug 05, 2021 · Meristems that came from plants that survived the thermotherapy treatment were isolated and transferred to a new medium to promote growth for subsequent processing …
With a clone you know exactly what you're getting, with seeds you could spend thousands of pounds trying to find a good pheno of what you want and still not find it, that adds up to a lot of time effort and money for mediocre weed, as much as the prices are outrageous its still worth it if it's what you want.
I think you're mostly correct... although who you're doing bussiness with is the ultimate guarentee.. As a clone dealing business owner, a lot of what I got was going on faith. A lot of it turned out to be real, or I think so... and in some senses when it came to flowering I was nervous. But still... some of the people I bought them from were shady...

Just got a pack of medicine man and g13 widow in the mail from mr nice auctions. I would say thats an example of knowing what I'm getting with seeds, and if you deal straight with the bigger companies, your chances might be better with seeds than with clones..
So all this clone talking got me interested in..well, giving it a shot. I plucked one off a lady and put it in a water bottle. See what happens.
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Less is more, you want to cut to oxidize and you will see a hard white crust develope that is the plants way of closing the wound entirely natural.

Cuts need to stay turgid during this so don't pick weak stemmed cuts pick branches that have more developed structure.

When this happens in a high humidity enviroment, but low water content in the container like 5-10 ml at any time but not completely soaked, it will lead to roots air layering within 10-14 days.

Try it out with branches you prune off(free teaters), prunned up with full leaves
That's a very professional picture.
Less is more, you want to cut to oxidize and you will see a hard white crust develope that is the plants way of closing the wound entirely natural.

Cuts need to stay turgid during this so don't pick weak stemmed cuts pick branches that have more developed structure.

When this happens in a high humidity enviroment, but low water content in the container like 5-10 ml at any time but not completely soaked will lead to roots air layering within 10-14 days.

Try it out with branches you cut off, prunnted up with full leaves
thanks, I'll give that a shot. :)
I have not and plan to keep it that way. No more clones coming in here anymore. What about you ?

Not as of yet, no. I have never really brought in any "foreign" clones to my territory... But lately, I have been getting a couple of new things added to my collection and I'm hoping like hell I never experience it either.

I have seen folks deal with it though, its the borg no doubt!
at the rate clones change hands these days on social media, i wouldnt trust it personally unless it was someones seed find and they dont take in clones from others. its everywhere !!!

From what I understand, it can be transferred through seed also and the entire batch/line be contaminated if one of the parents was. Scary shit bro...
Southern Cali is growing out half that list? Most from early 2000s. Just need to know where to go to find authentic. But your nose will tell you if it is quick. Most of the time it’s an hour drive tho. I see what your saying
I disagree about being able to smell if it's real.
I wouldn't pay over 50 for a clone, at least not for the past 5-10 years. They are readily available between 25 and 50 at a few dispensaries in town with a pretty decent selection. I could see 100-200, or really whatever the market will bear, for something rare or personally nostalgic if it's legit.

Clones make great sense for a number of reasons in a number of settings. That super high price for a big name was worth it when prices were much higher and genetics more rare. For me it's just an easy way to try something new now, so 50 is the limit.
Tissue culture can beat it in some cases because the viroid can be contained to singular branches or shoots, when they test a mother plant they take several cuttings from around the plant to be sure they don't miss it. It is possible to TC a non infected part of the plant and not get hplvd in the resulting clone. Also you can heat treat the propogation plates with the agar in them to sterilize the plant I'm pretty sure.

The other option is some sort of stem culture they take and do a similar process to, I believe it's called meristem or marestem. I've heard of Joe Ramahi(sp?) Who's one of the guys at dark horse working on this say that it has also been edited out with crispr although I don't know how true that is nor have I really seen anyone else talk about it at length.

It can definitely be eradicated with TC but not through simple micropropigaton like you would do with one of those kits. The meristem of a new tip is what isn’t affected because it’s not apart of the plants vascular system yet. Apical Meristem Culture is what we need.