Clones wilting

grow space

Well-Known Member
yeah man-cut the neck of the bottle and voila.i had a thread about this somewhere-look it up if ya interested.

keep up the good work....


Well-Known Member
So after 8 hours in the dark, misted and in a bit of water the clones are looking great, I´ve put them in a coke bottle dome like the pictures and cropped some of the bigger leaves, however, is it ok that some of the leaves are touching the sides. I´ve put some pictures so you can see the final result, thanks for all your help I have my fingers crossed!



Well-Known Member
I see you've built ya own greenhouse :) heh..... looking rockhard..

You can keep ya clones in the light, i wouldnt do the 14 days dark period, and anyways it shouldnt take clones 14 days to root in the first place. ;) Go with the normal technique... askd my m8, said he never tryd it and never will..


good work m8


Well-Known Member
Is it a problem if the leaves touch the sides? Also how often should I be misting them? great advice by the way 8 hours in the dark worked a treat :D
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Well-Known Member
Is it a problem if the leaves touch the sides? Also how often should I be misting them?

i dont know what misting is, my dome automaticly mists itself.... should do the same in there... keep humidity up.

Nope, the leafs can touch the side.. doesnt matter.. you wont be using them in future anyways.... hope all goes well.. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Sorry I meant spraying them with fine mist to keep em moist.

ahhhhhhhh, yes this should happen automaticly with the humidty, if ya think ya plants dont have enough water, water them normaly..will evaporate and catch itself at the top of the bottle... should mist itself.. thats what i mean..

but for extra care go ahead and squirt them girls with some love ;D
have had very successful coloning.10 days in darkness while sprayin the leaves gently a few times a day.u get better success ask your grower /gardner to try it....alot more will take root fact if u was getting 60% before ur gettin 90% now by darkness and spraying the leaves