clones with no roots


Active Member
has the ever happened to anyone? i clone a few of my ak 48 a few weeks back and some have grown nice roots while other have not but have shown somw breatiful growth. actually a few are out growing the ones with roots. any seen or have this happen to them? and what do i do now. i use root fuse during cloning to get the roots that green fuse claims it does but but 5 out of the 10 have no roots. i even pulled them from the meduium to look and not one root. so any help on what to do would be gret. they are well over 3 weeks old. no roots but are growing just fine. i think i am going to just flower them with no roots just to see what happens


Well-Known Member
patience lefty... keep giving them time... i've had clones from the same plant/same cutting time that rooted a week apart... i've even torn the rockwool cubes apart to see what was going on in there and found that the root tap was barely growing, if given more time it would have grown through eventually...


Active Member
i also torn the rock apart to look and you can see where the roots are going to be but i was just wondering it that enough they have been there almost 3 week and are growing just fine. some are ready for 12/12 and some arent so i am thinking to see what happends if i just flower them all. worse thing is that die. and they are just clones so it doesnt matter alll in the name of sience


Well-Known Member
experiments are what leads to knowledge... how do you know if you haven't done it right? hopefully the best, NOT the worst will happen for you...


Active Member
Not all clones root in the same amount of time. The older woody parts of the plant can take longer to root and if the cuttings were not uniform in size the rooting will not finish at the same time for all the cuttings. If the cuttings were a mix of tip cuttings and stem cuttings the tip cuttings will root first.