clones: yellowing leaves ok?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I've got some clones here that were cut on the 26th, soaked for several hours in a homemade willow tree rooting hormone then placed in rockwool soaked in a diluted willow rooting hormone for 5-24 hours.

I then placed the Rockwool cubes under 7 inch high humidity dome with top vents open sometimes. Misted dome and lighly Misted leaves 1-3 times daily. There are about 40 cut clones, 13 different strains and they are under 4 20W t5's, about 10 inches.

This is my first time so I'm not too sure what to expect..I've read that its normal, but also read it could be from too much light or even too much water. It's not possible to have too much humidity, right? I made the mistake of squeezing water out of some of the rockwool prior to putting cuttings in, could this be a problem/ the problem or do I have nothing to worry about...just wait a few days and see what comes of them??

Thanks in advance for the help guys.

Edit: sorry still trying to get this pic up


Well-Known Member
Adjust PH to 5.5-6.0(PH check rockwool cube's water too)
If your going to leave the dome open, that defeats the purpose of having a humidity dome.
Mist once a day(even every other day) then keep it sealed for best results.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry too much about having too much water. Some people clone directly in a cup of water. Worry more about the lack of humidity, you gotta comfort the plant with a stable environment suitable for rooting.
i would say those are gonna die anyway from the stress of cutting
you need an opening in your humidity dome to have some kind of air circulation
I mist 3 times a day



Well-Known Member
Even with vents open its really humid in their, with drops of water formed all around the dome.

Jesus why do you believe the stress of cutting is the reason they won't live, perhaps I wasn't careful or quick enough with my cuts?


Active Member
Im having the same problems, I believe the humidity just isnt high enough in the room I clone in....