
MT Farmer

I was wondring about clones. i just cut my first 9 clones off a black mamba. is there any nuts or things u can to do make them root faster. i have them in rockwool and in a clone dome i made out of a birthday cake thinga bobber. i soaked the rookwool in ph balance water with thrive alive b1 green for about 16 hours before i cut. So i would like to know if what i did was right and if there was anything i could do to make them root a little faster. plus i am having a bet with a buddy who i gave 3 clones to and the bet is to see who can root them the fastest. please help me win!!!bongsmilie

MT Farmer

oh shit forgot about that i also did that but i used roottech from Technaflora. i also scraped off a the outer "bark" then dipped them in and on two i cut the bottom in half to get the cloning get inside em just to see if that would help

MT Farmer

hey fireman in short term could i use a bunch of hand warmers? i have a shit load left over from the ice fishing season.


Well-Known Member
ya it makes a difference.

you could use the handwarmers but only a few hours.

you know those ice packs they make that are meant to be microwaved as well? like hoot/cold pack?
you can microwave that too and stick under your clones.


Well-Known Member
rapidrooter.jpgrockwool.jpgI am new to cloning also, I was using rockwool and those expandable peat pellets. I was getting about a 30% success rate. I switched to "Rapid Rooters" as recommended by other growers and holy crap 100% success! The clones that were put in rapid rooters 2 weeks after the rockwool, all rooted. Re-potted most of them today but here is a pic of the difference in 3 weeks of rockwool and 1 week of rapid rooters. The rockwool is a ak-47 super hearty strain and the rapid rooter is a bubblegum x kush.


Well-Known Member
Phosphorous helps aid in root growth. You could add 1/8-1/4 strength bloom ferts to your waterings. I gave up on clonex and hormones after seeing how well Big Bloom worked in my aero cloner, why keep extra nutes around?

MT Farmer

ok I didnt know what those were called but i ended up with two clones in those i got from the same friend i am having the bet with. It took the one only a week to root but the other did not make it.

MT Farmer

ha fireman that one guy on the first page it sounds like he works for AN its funny but other than that the thread really is informant thanks man

MT Farmer

is it common for the lower leafs to turn yellow as the clones are rooting in the rockwool. 3 clones now have roots shooting out the rockwool. i cut the clones on the 7th, they should all be rooted and transplanted by now right? cuz i have transplanted only 2


Well-Known Member
Dont transplant until they are ready " when they have several tap roots at least an inch long" if you wanna ensure a healthy transplant. Yes sometimes the lower branches/leaves dont make it. I have started to just cut them off ahead of time so the plant doesnt waste any energy on em, If you cut just below a leaf, then cut the leaf off flush with the stem , roots will grow out of the old leaf wound, as long as you plant the clone deep enough in medium.


Well-Known Member
Rapid rooters + juicy roots (advanced nutrient) = a happy healthy rooted clone usually in about 5 days in my garden some take almost 2 weeks (2 of em) but the rest 5 days before they're showing. Ill get the link for my thread real quick


Well-Known Member
Rapid rooters + juicy roots (advanced nutrient) = a happy healthy rooted clone usually in about 5 days in my garden some take almost 2 weeks (2 of em) but the rest 5 days before they're showing. Ill get the link for my thread real quick
Im using the generic garden store root stimulator but same here 5-8 days and 100% success. I suck with keeping rockwool at the correct moisture, I end up soaking em too much over time.


Well-Known Member
There ye go
Hope that helps. And for the record u don't really NEED a rooting hormone. But they do work. I like juicy roots myself ( for the record I'm not a snake oil fan-boy nor am I paid by anyone) cause it (for once) actually does exactly what they said it would. It encourages vigorous growth of "secondary roots" for more feeding sites.and it does it faster than anything else I personally have used aside from that it comes in an awesome "squeeze bottle" and is a really really thick gel so u don't need a special container to avoid contaminating the rest and the thickness of the gel just makes it easier to work with. I use a prop tray (ur b-day cake thingamabobber basically) and juicy roots. I always have at least 5 nodes in my cuts and I ALWAYS do a second underwater cut to prevent introducing air to the meristem. Other than that I maintain a very high humidity and a constant temp, 24hrs of light, mist at least twice daily avoid getting the plugs wetter. I let them dry naturally, in the humidity it takes about 5 day which is when roots are usually showing through so I can plant them and they'll be satisfied after getting watered into their new home. Get strawberry cough and u can root them so fast ur buddy won't have time to cry.