

Well-Known Member
P1010041.jpgP1010040.jpgI think i did it. this is day 3 on the clones and i think they look good. i just took the bio-dome off for the pic. they stay in a moisture environment.


Active Member
lookin good so far. do those leaves touch the plastic top? Most people, including me, trim the leaves so the plant has fewer leaves to support while they are rooting.


Active Member
Clones are looking great, but like Grampa said, you should probably trim the large fan leaves. DON'T CUT THEM OFF, just cut them in half, from the tip, half way back.
That way the clone is using more energy for root production.


Well-Known Member
It is day 8 for the clones and i still dont have roots. Is this ok?? The leaves are still green and perky and i even think i see new growth forming on the stem. all opinions appreciated.



Active Member
It is day 8 for the clones and i still dont have roots. Is this ok?? The leaves are still green and perky and i even think i see new growth forming on the stem. all opinions appreciated.

It will take some time. just be patient and dont mess with the plants more than you have to. Roots will come just as long you keep the clone alive. The plant doesnt want to die and will do everything it can to stay alive.


yeah its normal, i found that it usually takes up to 2 weeks to see roots coming out of the block of rockwool. As long as your leaves aren't wilting and rotting then you're set. Just takes time.


Well-Known Member
Update: got impatient waiting for rockwool method and put them in the bubble cloner i made (very primative) and in 2 days......ROOTS. gonna plant tomorrow in medium. here is a pic:


Active Member
clones look great!!!!
nice little clone machine you got there. a little DWC if you please:cool::cool:
From what I've been seeing, it's also a great way to grow.