clonig question


Active Member
Hi everyone,

I have recently inherited 10 clones i have had the in jiffys now for 2 weeks only 2 have rooted and the others look pretty average whats the normal strike rate for clones ??? silly question in some sense but just wondering


Well-Known Member
i think he means how many clones make it on average, percentwise..but there no such a number. it greatly depends on ur skills and technique..


Active Member
yes i mean succes rate and what is your average success rate... anyone ???? just so i know what to expect or aim for thats all


Well-Known Member
If your clone is taken from a healthy vegging plant, I imagine your success rate will be very high. Like, near-perfect.


Well-Known Member
I started with 12 seeds got all to pop and all are doing well so im at 100% and didnt have the benifits of using clones. Just depends on your green thumb