Cloning 101 - Slumped & Screwed


Beautiful guide, Thanks for putting it together. I only have one baby plant atm so if its female I am going to have to do this.


Well-Known Member
yessir great post. im curious what do you usually do with seeds, you start them right in the rockwool? or papertowels to rockwool? i have had some trouble with this in the past.


Well-Known Member
yessir great post. im curious what do you usually do with seeds, you start them right in the rockwool? or papertowels to rockwool? i have had some trouble with this in the past.
Gah...wish I knew...I've never popped a seed. :cry:


Well-Known Member
i do not have access to rooting hormone. i took a cutting and put it in soil in a bottle. do you think it will root?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's pretty much what I do also.
I'm running pretty close to 100% success
not quite as anal but almost. definitly use alcahol to keep pathogens down.
ABF says he scrubs his hands like he is doing surgery. I just kinda rinse my hands in alchahol
can't do much better than 100% though so I don't stress
A lot of people have trouble cloning and I can't relate
I think the amount of water in the cube is the biggest factor for failure.
I also just use RO water ant slam it in, no waiting, solutions, Nadda
seems to work but if I run into probs I would deff get more serious
DUDE, you are running an AWSOME grow!!!
when I grow up I want to be just like you
You're my hero

i'm about the laziest grower i know.

i rarely have a clone that doesn't root.

i put the rockwool under the tap and pour water on it until they are soaked.
i use the same scissors i use to trim the buds. they have black marks from where i've "sterilized" them with a lighter. :)
i never think to wash my hands etc., that degree of being into it makes me laugh. it's not a bad thing, it's just funny to me.
i dip the clone in the cloning solution and jam it into the cube.

thank god marijuana is a very hardy plant or i'd have to actually put some effort into it.

practice, practice, practice makes perfect.

good post slump! :)


Well-Known Member
Great guide! I'm gonna give it a shot in a few months when I get moved! I'm sad I'm missing the planting season for las plantas!


Well-Known Member
Anyone think they can answer my question? "im curious what do you usually do with seeds, you start them right in the rockwool? or papertowels to rockwool? i have had some trouble with this in the past." Seed to rockwool, how do you do it?