cloning auto flowers???????


ive searched and got nothing specific on this. if i do auto flours, keep them on 20/4 lighting, can i clone it and keep the clones in the same grow box at the same lighting? this will make a very easy cycle because the autoflowers will flower under 24 hour light even, and the clone needs veg light!

just a good thought. thanks for any help, im just looking to keep things simple and get a good free cycle going for me and my friends.


Well-Known Member
I've always heard it will not work . i think its because by the time the plant is ready to take a clone from its not really in the veg cycle anymore


Well-Known Member
There is a very short veg stage in auto's, no point cloning them at all as you will gain nothing. In fact, you'll probably lose out due to the fact that you've stressed it a little.
Don't bother.


Well-Known Member
well actually it can be done very hard to clone

all weed is possible to clone some a lot harder then others

some people can clone anything even a rock some cant clone anything not even the essayist plant in the world to clone

problem with autos you cant keep as a mother because of 9 week life span

another prob with the 9 week term is that by the time plant is big or mature enough to take a piece from it it has to be about 4 or 5 wks old

before you can flower you must grow roots another 2 to 3 weeks now we are talking about week 7 or 8 to start flower

another thing to consider is that the plant sees itself as same age as mother (after all its mothers hand or foot) is now starting to die so mother and daughter will flower and die at same time

so what is the since you feel me

im gardening now a year and one month their is so much for us to learn but there is a lot of info and data and willing people to answer sensible questions

good luck to you may the grow gods smile upon your seeds and may you have a bunch of big at assed obeast daughters

oz high

u start by saying it can be done then u go on to say it cant.I,ve been responsible forn thousands of clones never with any problems,but I dont have the luxury of trial and error for this one.Is there any way to revert the clones back to germination age.I forgot to mention I need to sun harden clones for outdoors with this strain.I would have no prblems doing this for a sea of green,but outdoors on large scale?


New Member
There is no point in trying to clone an autoflowering strain. Yes its possible but as the guy a couple of posts said, because of the autoflowering trait it will be at the end of its life cycle by the time the clone roots.

Better off doing a seed run and doing it that way.