cloning directly into rockwool slabs?

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
Anybody ever try to clone directly into rockwool slabs? ie grodan and the like.

I am planing on doing a gettho ecosystem style grow, and was thinking if I could cut out the need for an extra cloner and just put clippings into the slabs them selves...
this is an ecosystem if that helps.


New Member
yeah u can clone in pretty much anything(within reason)
with u bein a member as long as u have,u would think u would know this
i dont clone in rockwool,but from my understanding,u need to soak them first


Active Member
Wow, looks like total overkill for me, but it looks effective. I say if you can afford it fine, go for it.

I clone very simply and am 34 for 35 cuttings; I soak a 1" cube in 1/4 str nute solution, use dip-n-grow as my hormone and stick it in the cube, when it roots/starts to dry out, i put it into a 3" cube until it's ready to go into my garden. I get growth rates.

Have fun!

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
yeah i was just Wondering the effectiveness of cloning strait into a rock wool slab, in stead of using the intermediary step of the plugs, or a cloning machine.

@moash, yes i know you can clone in almost anything, personally i have used perlite, vermiculite, coco, readygrow plugs, an ultra sonic fogger and a simple aero cloner.

My question lies in i dont see anybody skipping the step of cloning in plugs or a secondary device. Is this because that method doesnt work, or is it because RW slabs are passe...
I admit I do tend to tun to the over kill side and I will say my method of choice is a vert sog i ended up pulling about 1/2 lb out of my 2x2x4 with a 250w light i am looking to do more now and my 35 site cloner just isnt going to cut it so i was wondering if any had success using a bulk cloning run.


New Member
yeah i was just Wondering the effectiveness of cloning strait into a rock wool slab, in stead of using the intermediary step of the plugs, or a cloning machine.

@moash, yes i know you can clone in almost anything, personally i have used perlite, vermiculite, coco, readygrow plugs, an ultra sonic fogger and a simple aero cloner.

My question lies in i dont see anybody skipping the step of cloning in plugs or a secondary device. Is this because that method doesnt work, or is it because RW slabs are passe...
I admit I do tend to tun to the over kill side and I will say my method of choice is a vert sog i ended up pulling about 1/2 lb out of my 2x2x4 with a 250w light i am looking to do more now and my 35 site cloner just isnt going to cut it so i was wondering if any had success using a bulk cloning run.
im not a huge grower or anything but when i take cuttings,i like to get as many clones as i can out of the cuttings and give away what i dont i use a leaf-bud cutting to max the num of my clones
this might help u
as for the other question...idk
i wasnt trying to be a dick in the other post...

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
no prob, I wondered long and hard wieather to post this in the general section or the advanced section. Growing vert has its ups and downs, nice yields, small space, no help, lots of tinkering...

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I've cloned countless clones and alls I've ever used is a clear gargage bag, to make a mini-greenhouse, #2 powdered rooting agent and some rockwool, 2" X 2" X 3"h I cut from slab. I use two, four foot cool white flouresent tubes for lighting. I make a shelf 2/3rd's of the way up the wall(because it's warmer there) and I hang my light over it. I make a drainhole/airhole in the lower part of the bag about the size of a tooney. I use one layer of gravel to prevent fungus and mildew. Other than the hole, seal the bag after you give them a good spray with clean water and given them some time to air dry. Your clones should be ready for the hps in 5-7 days. I can't see why you couldn't put a slab in the cloning bin. Be sure the rockwool is saturated with water. I refill my cubes with the water sprayer after they are situated in the bin.


Anybody ever try to clone directly into rockwool slabs? ie grodan and the like.

I am planing on doing a gettho ecosystem style grow, and was thinking if I could cut out the need for an extra cloner and just put clippings into the slabs them selves...
this is an ecosystem if that helps.
I’d recommend begin in the smaller rockwool cube 1.5/2” until that cube is encircled with white healthy roots to the view that u can barely/not see the rockwool, then place that cube into the next small block maybe 4x4” veg for 2/4weeks then place that cube onto the slab and rock it out that of course if you are growing for big flowerplants . You will not be disappointed use LST with scrogging net with a 1” then second tier 2” third tier could go to 4” i stay with the 2” and take advantage of every square in that trellis. Patience, training, nurturing nutes with added enzymes and supplements to get a = heavy brixx. How’s 2-6gram knuggz sound?-better yet visualize that as you look across the canopy at 2’colas or more, of topps. I highly recommend HarleySmith, Prof. a veteran in the hydroponics and cannabis industry, with over 25years’ experience as a hydroponics consultant and research scientist. , and Bruce Bigbee Phd,an American scientist, his work includes research into space farming with NASA and at Utah State University, where he is the Director of the Crop Physiology Laboratory. Jeff Lowefels “teaming with nutrients”/microbes/fungi/bacteria. These men will change your life!✌


Well-Known Member
I’d recommend begin in the smaller rockwool cube 1.5/2” until that cube is encircled with white healthy roots to the view that u can barely/not see the rockwool, then place that cube into the next small block maybe 4x4” veg for 2/4weeks then place that cube onto the slab and rock it out that of course if you are growing for big flowerplants . You will not be disappointed use LST with scrogging net with a 1” then second tier 2” third tier could go to 4” i stay with the 2” and take advantage of every square in that trellis. Patience, training, nurturing nutes with added enzymes and supplements to get a = heavy brixx. How’s 2-6gram knuggz sound?-better yet visualize that as you look across the canopy at 2’colas or more, of topps. I highly recommend HarleySmith, Prof. a veteran in the hydroponics and cannabis industry, with over 25years’ experience as a hydroponics consultant and research scientist. , and Bruce Bigbee Phd,an American scientist, his work includes research into space farming with NASA and at Utah State University, where he is the Director of the Crop Physiology Laboratory. Jeff Lowefels “teaming with nutrients”/microbes/fungi/bacteria. These men will change your life!✌
Nice the people of 12 yrs ago thank u


Well-Known Member
I’d recommend begin in the smaller rockwool cube 1.5/2” until that cube is encircled with white healthy roots to the view that u can barely/not see the rockwool, then place that cube into the next small block maybe 4x4” veg for 2/4weeks then place that cube onto the slab and rock it out that of course if you are growing for big flowerplants . You will not be disappointed use LST with scrogging net with a 1” then second tier 2” third tier could go to 4” i stay with the 2” and take advantage of every square in that trellis. Patience, training, nurturing nutes with added enzymes and supplements to get a = heavy brixx. How’s 2-6gram knuggz sound?-better yet visualize that as you look across the canopy at 2’colas or more, of topps. I highly recommend HarleySmith, Prof. a veteran in the hydroponics and cannabis industry, with over 25years’ experience as a hydroponics consultant and research scientist. , and Bruce Bigbee Phd,an American scientist, his work includes research into space farming with NASA and at Utah State University, where he is the Director of the Crop Physiology Laboratory. Jeff Lowefels “teaming with nutrients”/microbes/fungi/bacteria. These men will change your life!✌
It's a good idea to check the post dates before replying. But thanks for your input even if it is rather late. :mrgreen:



I’d recommend begin in the smaller rockwool cube 1.5/2” until that cube is encircled with white healthy roots to the view that u can barely/not see the rockwool, then place that cube into the next small block maybe 4x4” veg for 2/4weeks then place that cube onto the slab and rock it out that of course if you are growing for big flowerplants . You will not be disappointed use LST with scrogging net with a 1” then second tier 2” third tier could go to 4” i stay with the 2” and take advantage of every square in that trellis. Patience, training, nurturing nutes with added enzymes and supplements to get a = heavy brixx. How’s 2-6gram knuggz sound?-better yet visualize that as you look across the canopy at 2’colas or more, of topps. I highly recommend HarleySmith, Prof. a veteran in the hydroponics and cannabis industry, with over 25years’ experience as a hydroponics consultant and research scientist. , and Bruce Bigbee Phd,an American scientist, his work includes research into space farming with NASA and at Utah State University, where he is the Director of the Crop Physiology Laboratory. Jeff Lowefels “teaming with nutrients”/microbes/fungi/bacteria. These men will change your life!✌
Those guys were around back then too take your BS and get back in the closet homie


Well-Known Member
Why should i care of the date, i put it out there and you read it homie ✌ if all people have is to judge then look into the mirror homie
I look in the mirror daily and am very pleased with what I see.

You replied directly to a user that hasn't been seen in 9 years in a 12 year old post. You don't need to look in a mirror you need a time machine.




Well-Known Member
I look in the mirror daily and am very pleased with what I see.

You replied directly to a user that hasn't been seen in 9 years in a 12 year old post. You don't need to look in a mirror you need a time machine.


Yum yum dont skimp on the sriracha!