cloning gel

mary jane

Active Member
used it. you simply take the cutting place it in the transparent gel and watch as your roots grow (so it says on the packaging) did as instructed yesterday and cant wait for (if any) results. have to say i am a bit sceptical as i have never heard of it before and came across it by chance yesterday in a garden shop. anyone else ever hear of anything like this

mary jane

Active Member
sorry i didnt explain it properly.
you have a transparent cup (size of a tea-cup) full with gel.
you place cutting in the cup.
you can watch how many roots form etc.
then when you know it has rooted you can transplant to soil meduim.


Well-Known Member
I tried it and had no luck.. mind you half my other clones died too. I liked how you can see the root. Let us know how u make out.


Well-Known Member
The stuff works but its slow, I don't like it. Rockwool seems to be the best but you have to babysit