cloning in soil???


Active Member
can u clone in soil n do they always droop
or is it just easier to clone in a bubbler


Active Member
Yes, you can clone in soil. It is likely that your clones will show some signs of being "roughed up", afterall you just hacked them off of another plant...They now have to work really hard to develop some roots so they can get nutrients from their medium. I prefer hydro, as far as a bubbler being easier, I can't say. I've never done cloning in soil, I just know it can be done. So I can't give you any first hand experience...Perhaps someone else will be able to help you there.


Well-Known Member
make sure you're not using pre-nuted soil. it can overfeed and destroy your clones. use peet pellets and then transfer directly to soil once they are rooted imo. good luck


Well-Known Member
Ive cloned in soil before.
2 out of 3 made it but i made a cloning box to keep the humidity at 99% for almost 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
i used to clone in a peat/perlite combo on a heatmat with a humidity dome, the dome is key when useing soil, drooping is tottaly noraml in the first day or two then they should stand up, trim off most of the fan leaves and actauly cut down the remaining fan leaves so the leaf tips are shorter.

i now use an aerocloner with a damn near 100% everytime, then i transfer them to soil, workds great



Well-Known Member
if you wanna clone in soil head to wally world where the inside gardening section is and pick up some Schultz TakeRoot rooting for me..just read instructions and youll be fine

grow space

Well-Known Member
Cloning in soil isnt easy, I would recommend a bubbler or some type of cube medium
Cloning is soil is easy....Just take your cutting, put it in a good soil(better to use for clones is peat)then use a clone box, or something that will hold moisture, but also get some fresh air in), and boom...your good to go..Some of my soil clones take roots just after a week or so...:hump:


Well-Known Member
if you wanna clone in soil head to wally world where the inside gardening section is and pick up some Schultz TakeRoot rooting for me..just read instructions and youll be fine

Nice, that's what I use. I wasn't to sure
if i should use it or not the first time.. but
i had good results from that stuff. I would
suggest it for everyone to try.

:peace: :)


Well-Known Member
Got a cutting rooting in 50/50 perlite/coconot coir alternative and water it every 2-3 days with a little 6.2 tap. Its in a little plastic square container and looks as good as it did when it was cut off the plant except its grown some. I never put it under a dome or misted it. Cant tell if it has roots though. I'll know once it doubles or triples in size.


Well-Known Member
I have cloned multiple times in the past in soil with %100 success. I used promix with a little rooting gel in cups with no drain holes and filled them with soil then topped them off with water 6.2PH(yes completely saturated) by the time the soil started to dry out roots where already established. Which took about 14 days which is only a little longer than my aero cloner that I made takes(check thread "cooler cloner"). Also I have had better results without using a dome or misting the same as anhedonia. I hope this helps you.