Cloning Issue


Well-Known Member
One of my friends gave me this clone about a week ago and it was nearly dead but I put it in the bubbler anyway (he only gave me two so I wanted to be sure I got something out of it). Well now it appears that mold is growing on the surface of the rockwool cube. The other one is doing great so I'm wondering if I should throw this one out. I would like to hang on to her if at all possible, but I don't want to risk this problem spreading to the other clones. What do you guys think?



Elite Rolling Society
Man, you ought to see my rockwool after 20 weeks !

Take that plant out of that cube and put it in a fresh new cube is what I would do.


Well-Known Member
the best fix to prevent rock wool mold is so simple. cut foil in a circle same size as your cube so you can still water unless you flood and drain just cover the whole top.
slit one cut to slide past stem. it will also help lower branches get reflected light it wont give you extra buds , but will improve yield.


Well-Known Member
The bottom of the palnts don't need reflected light, that why the leaves have tops and bottoms. I believe Jorge even says not to put light from the bottom up VV


Well-Known Member
I'm going to give the Hydro. Peroxide a try. I've never had this problem before and always use the same method, but I guess that's just the way it goes. How dilluted do you think it should be? I was thinking a teaspoon or two per gallon. Let me know if you think that's not going to be enough. Thanks for the advice.


Elite Rolling Society
I'm going to give the Hydro. Peroxide a try. I've never had this problem before and always use the same method, but I guess that's just the way it goes. How dilluted do you think it should be? I was thinking a teaspoon or two per gallon. Let me know if you think that's not going to be enough. Thanks for the advice.
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Active Member
I had fungus on my rockwool too. I took some thick black paper and covered my Hydroton balls with it so it covered it completely. Look at my journal for how.
the h202 should be a TSB per gallon but use less then that. your algae should go away.


Well-Known Member
I'll start with a little less than a TBS per gallon. Thanks for the info! :hump: I'll also have to start covering the rockwool I guess. It's strange because this has never happened before. I think it's because this guy who gave me the clones kept them in a plastic bag and had them in a sealed container for a couple of days. He brought them to this party to give to me and then we both forgot about them so I'm guessing this is the origin of the problem. Anyway thanks again for the advice, I'm going to kill some green slime. After I get a little high. :mrgreen: