cloning meethod: clone machinie or rapid rooters....?


Active Member
^^ lemme say first off that ive tried rr and coco in the past with pretty bad success rates however i always got by w/ what i needed

now i wanna start a system that depends on clones, the last time i tried rapid rooters i didnt have a thermostat so iam willing to give it one more shot, or should i just something like turbo klone or ez clone machine? ive heard good and bad with the machine, seems like the major flaw is the water can get hot


Well-Known Member
you can build a very nice aero cloner for very little money and it has to be the easiest way to clone. nothing but tap water is needed, no misting , no domes, no additives and i have had 100% success for years with mine.


Well-Known Member
I use a fast food cups with lids. I change out the water once a day and mist three times a day. Easy and cheap. The only thing the ez clone machines does is re-oxygen the water so I don't have to change the water out daily. Since it's really not that much work, I don't mind the water changes if it means I'm saving $200-$400.

The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
im trying to clone in straight tap water changed every 2-3 days, its been 5 days and no signs of roots yet, but ill get back to you on how it works


Well-Known Member
yea why does ne one buy thoughs things all it is is a fucking air pump in a 5 gal bucket lol ill sell u one for 40$ on my amazon account man if u want one that bad :)


Lowes bucket w lid
1/2 PVC stick
mag drive pump threaded output makes hooking up tp PVC easier
6 aero clones mist heads
9 plastic net pots small ones
9 lids for the net pots

Just add tap water roots in 9 days & at 13 days 3 " roots min


Good luck happy cloning


Perlite and plain water or coco and plain water. I can't vouch for your water but perlite or coco are almost foolproof. Perlite and spring water works like magic.


I have a Turbo Klone 48 machine and I'm wonder if I should let the water running constant 24-7 or let it timer off and on? I was told that I should let the machine cycle off and on for 15min or so, anybody have any info for me?


Well-Known Member
2 plastic tubs $2
1 aquarium air pump $10
2 10 inch air stones $7
hose $2
foam pool toy for the cut outs $3

20 site cloner $24
i just use tap water, change it every week. usually have roots in a week, ready to transplant in 10 to 14 days.