Cloning mishap help plz.


Active Member
I did some cloning pass week and everything is going smooth but just yesterday one of my clone was showing roots thru the rockwool so i transplanted into soil and now its dying.

I never have had this happened to me before.

Did i transplant to fast?

Normally i cut clones and wait till the roots pop the rootwool within 5~10 days with the domes closed. And than when roots pop i put it into FF soil and put it into vegging. Than normally within a day or two i get growth but yesterday i found this happen to one of my clone.

What did i do wrong?

The sucessful clones behind were from few days before (Bubba Kush) and the one thats dead is the first clone that rooted (white rhino clones).

Any help please.



Active Member
Thanks repped. What do i have to watch out when i plant them into soil cuz this never happend to me and i have cloned about 10 clones so far and all made it alive im just worried i dont fuck them up now.