Cloning Necrosis

My clone from soil that did this basicaaly was rotten with mold. This are in a bubble cloner and are not showing any roots after 11 days. The top left clone which looks healthy has roots starting and no necrosis.

My question is will the clones with necrosis eventually make it? Or is the necrosis a sign of death?


Well-Known Member
it has mold and it is spreading.

the two plants on the bottom have really bad mold and i would say their too young and small to cure.

next time clean all utensils and equipment and clone machine with hydrogen peroxide.

the one on the top left is looking fine but i'm sure mold particles are beginning to collect on it
it has mold and it is spreading.

the two plants on the bottom have really bad mold and i would say their too young and small to cure.

next time clean all utensils and equipment and clone machine with hydrogen peroxide.

the one on the top left is looking fine but i'm sure mold particles are beginning to collect on it
Thanks for the reply. I checked the sick plants and they did have mold under the neoprene sleeves and on the stems. I read up on hydrgen peroxide and decided to add 2 cups of (3%) hydrogen peroxide to the 4 gallons water in the bubbler. Hopefully this won't "burn" the small roots and will kill the mold spores that are floating around.
I transplanted the healthy one to soil, Epsoma organic potting mix, and it is doing ok for now.

At first it was wilting pretty badly. So I put the dome over it and misted it a couple times. It sprang back up nicely. I noticed that it has even sprouted one root from above the soil down into the soil.

I think as a new grower I was expecting it to be much easier and faster. So far it has taken 11 days in the bubbler and another 7 days in soil... and I am just starting to see some new growth. Next step is to harden it up without the dome. Once it can stand up without the dome I will transplant it to the regular potting soil and maybe flower after a couple days.
