Cloning Nightmare


Hi all, anyone give me some advise on cloning, ive bought a clonging dome, using jiffy cube, razor clonging hormone making the cuts at the correct angle ect but my success rate is awful. i got 2 out of the 30 ive done so far. apparnetly im doing the same as a few of my friends which have been working very well so I thiink it could be down to the following.

Too hot: dome is prob about 35-40C
Too Much water: have to keep it pretty wet as it drys out very quick
too much light: its about 6feet away from m 600watt HPS.

Anyone have any advice or maybe a better method of doing it, really need to crack this ASAP as i dont have a mother plant.


Active Member
Ok. Approximately 95-104 degrees farenheight, and an HPS? I'm no expert on cloning, but lower your temps and get either a Metal Halide or some small 6500K CFL's. Not sure on the water. I'd wait for a more experienced cloner to inform you.


Well-Known Member
I am thinking that is way too hot.

I suggest getting some florescent lights. I keep my clones about 18" under T5s.

I use clonex and make about a gallon solution with it. (I think I use half what the bottle says.) I add 15 ml of Aquashiled to it and get the ph to 5.5ish. Soak the rapid rooters in this. Squeeze lightly dry before placing clones. I also find that I have to bore the hole in the rapid rooters a bit deeper.

I then take a solid tray and line the bottom of it with Perlite and soak it with some of the solution and put another tray to hold the rapid rooters in that one.

When I take my cuttings, I make a 45 degree cut then along the longer or back side of the stem, I 'peel' or 'scrape' some of the stem's outter layer off with my blade so that both sides of the stem have exposed material. Someone with a degree could tell you what that actually is.

I give it a few seconds dip in the clonex solution that I made, roll it around in rooting gel and place it in the rooter. I cut all the large leaves and leave them under T5s spraying them with ph 5.5ish water twice a day under a closed dome. Make sure the rooters stay damp not soaked and after 2 weeks start looking for roots.


PowerKush Clone Roots.jpg


I am thinking that is way too hot.

I suggest getting some florescent lights. I keep my clones about 18" under T5s.

I use clonex and make about a gallon solution with it. (I think I use half what the bottle says.) I add 15 ml of Aquashiled to it and get the ph to 5.5ish. Soak the rapid rooters in this. Squeeze lightly dry before placing clones. I also find that I have to bore the hole in the rapid rooters a bit deeper.

I then take a solid tray and line the bottom of it with Perlite and soak it with some of the solution and put another tray to hold the rapid rooters in that one.

When I take my cuttings, I make a 45 degree cut then along the longer or back side of the stem, I 'peel' or 'scrape' some of the stem's outter layer off with my blade so that both sides of the stem have exposed material. Someone with a degree could tell you what that actually is.

I give it a few seconds dip in the clonex solution that I made, roll it around in rooting gel and place it in the rooter. I cut all the large leaves and leave them under T5s spraying them with ph 5.5ish water twice a day under a closed dome. Make sure the rooters stay damp not soaked and after 2 weeks start looking for roots.


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Great stff I will give this a try as soon as my new veg is big enough to take more cuttings