cloning old school

i had a plant probably 10 inches high and it started wilting fast i have no idea what happened i didnt over fertilize but i have no idea if it was underwatering or overwatering the soil was moist but any way it was real potent weed when i smoked it and i wanted to save it so i cut the branches off and tried to clone it to save it it has been a week and out of 4 cuttings two have survived i tried two in dirt and two in a glass of water the two in dirt died even with a dome but the two in water have little tiny hairs at the bottom where i scraped the skin off are these roots and how long till i can plant these in dirt i really want these to live it was some some awesome smoke


Active Member
wait until those little white bumps are roots about 1/2" or so long and pot them up. be sure the soil is moist when you transplant, dry soil can damage root hairs. it shouldn't but if it wilts, spray it and put a humidity tent over it for a couple days.

Also change the water daily to prevent diseases.
I am very, very new to this and i have had problembs cloning , heres my story and please remember that i am new to this, lol, ok so i baught three clones from a buddy, one white widow, one og kush and one bublegum kush, the ww was looking terrible and had one leaf on it , i didnt think it would live so i just tried to baby that one back to life(it died:( ) on the other hand the kush plants were huge and rigorous so i figured hell there already root bound in the pots they were in so i thought i could take cuttings off them and have two of each, i did alot of research and went ahead and took the cuttings ect... the og didnt last long it wilted right up and died so i thought the other one would too but alsas i stuck it back in there any ways and it started showing new growth , my problemb is that i have one light so the new clone is already budding, very disapointed with my decision but you live and learn right? Does anyone have any tricks for cloning in soil?? I really havent found none on here yet, one peace of advice that a local grower said was to folier feed them daily and when i started doing that i noticed a tremendous increase in growth of the little cloned clone. I just wanted to say thanx again to all those out here helping people further there knowledge , it really is power.

Thanks in advance,

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
i clone to soil. No tricks tho really.i snip,scrape stem,dip in root powder,& to soil.ffof&2"jiffy cups. Takes 2weeks. I put in dome& only spray dome,not leaves.keep soil moist.i actually dunk jiffy cup in wtr to moisten.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
now heres somethingg that i just did- 2.5wks ago i took 2clones.1rooted in2wks&1didnt. No roots last thursday.i re snipped it&planted again(no powder) in soil.thus time i watered it w/flora nova bloom had 3 1/2" long roots lastnite!!! Maybe a trick there using bloom nute?


Well-Known Member
wait until those little white bumps are roots about 1/2" or so long and pot them up. be sure the soil is moist when you transplant, dry soil can damage root hairs. it shouldn't but if it wilts, spray it and put a humidity tent over it for a couple days.

Also change the water daily to prevent diseases.
I came to say the same thing about changing the water. Do it.
i know about changing the water daily so the roots get oxygen and stuff my question still hasnt been answered i didnt use any rooting hormones i just cut it and scraped the skin about a half inch up from the cut and stuck in a glass of water it has been 6 days and it has little tiny hairs maybe a 1/4 inch long at the most they are very thin also are they roots in the making i have read countless threads and watchd tons of videos on youtube but i cannot find nothing of what these hairs are i just wanted to make sure they were roots growing there are no little white nubs


Well-Known Member
i know about changing the water daily so the roots get oxygen and stuff my question still hasnt been answered i didnt use any rooting hormones i just cut it and scraped the skin about a half inch up from the cut and stuck in a glass of water it has been 6 days and it has little tiny hairs maybe a 1/4 inch long at the most they are very thin also are they roots in the making i have read countless threads and watchd tons of videos on youtube but i cannot find nothing of what these hairs are i just wanted to make sure they were roots growing there are no little white nubs
Well, the nodules (nubs) come first, then the roots sprout from those. I'd say they're most likely roots, unless you have some strange fungus going on. Hard to say without pics.


Active Member
sadly the peach fuzz you see is most likely mold. if it were the beginning of roots you would see solid white bumps on the stems. usually at the cut or a node, but sometimes along the stem. if you could post a picture i might be able to tell you for certain.


New Member
cloneing in soil is pretty much simple and easiest way to clone all you need is seedling starter soil MG makes it works well all u need to do is make soil damp useing 5.6 - 5.8 ph water what i mean by makin it damp is you should be able to grab a hand full and squeeze soil and water should drip out that should be plenty good i use 1 " trays 72 per dome put soil in trays use a pencil to make my holes

take my cutting from plant trim leafs i like useing cuttin board when cloneing i pour some clonex on board cut my 45 degree then make about 4 to 5 cuts up one side of stem making it look like a fish hook all this in my cloneing gel on cutting board then i dip it again in gel completely let it sit for a min or so then carefuly place it in my hole making sure soil closes in completely round stem pushin slightly down as well once i am done my tray i lightly mist cuttings and my dome and place in under light for min 4 days before i lift dome then every day after 4th day light misting on leafs by 10th day i start watering soil 5 ml per 1" dome off by 15th day watering only on bottom of tray making roots work for water
Hope this helps anyone trying to clone in soil


id like to take pics but i doubt theyd show up i kinda thought about the fungus thing but idk the plants are doing ok alot better then when i cut them like i said the plant was wilted when i cut them they dont look near as bad im not using any rooting hormone so i shouldnt expect anything to soon i guess


Well-Known Member
I clone directly in soil successfully. I think u just have to be accurate in ur methods. Here is what I do, I prepare party cups with soil & thoroughly wet until draining out the bottom; then I premake the hole for the cutting. I then take the cuttings & immediately place in a cup of water. Then I take them out, & cut off the excess leaves above so there is at least one notch that will go under the soil. I then make the diaganol cut on the bottom & one cut on the bottom of the stem, in the middle, maybe 1/8 of an inch deep. I dip in Clonex for a minute, then put in hole in soil & gently press the soil down & around stem to make sure there is good contact. I then put them in "my humidity tent" which is simply a plastic bin with a white plastic garbage bag over it, that has 2 slices in it for vent holes. I place it right in the room that the vegging or flowering plants are in, off to the side, so they recieve a little indirect light. I lift the garbage bag about 3 times a day to mist the leaves & mist the top of the garbage bag. They get the same dark time as the plants recieve in the main room. If the top soil in the cup gets dry I mist the top of the soil quite well, but I am not watering these until they have rooted which is about a week, at least. At about 10 days, is when I remove them from the humidity tent & at that point I am still keeping them in the indirect light for about another week, then they get moved closer for full light.


Well-Known Member
you mentioned you used ferts will trying to clone, in my personal experience NEVER fert before you start getting roots, drooping, yellowing leaves, and eventual death from using ferts. just my two cents at least until the roots have been growing for 6-7 days stay fert free!


Active Member
yep its moldy, that doesnt mean it wont root. if there is enough plant material, re-cut it and put it in a new glass with fresh water. if you can use a dark coffee cup it would be better. or you can try re-cutting and sticking it in some sort of rooting medium.


Active Member
here are some pics [/ATTACH]
That fuzzy growth is the start of the rooting system (IMO). I had the same thing on one of my clones and that's what I thought mold. I thought it was mold until I found a picture that showed the same similar type growth and describe it as the start of rooting. Your clone is on it's way to rooting. Just my two cents:leaf::leaf::finger: