cloning outdoors

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Now ive cloned outdoors before, every single one rooted, no problem. But i have a plant i placed pretty far into the bush, that I want to clone. Can I trim the branches and just put them in a bag with some wet paper towel until I get home? Maybe have a 2 litre pop bottle half filled with water and stick them in that until I get home?


Now ive cloned outdoors before, every single one rooted, no problem. But i have a plant i placed pretty far into the bush, that I want to clone. Can I trim the branches and just put them in a bag with some wet paper towel until I get home? Maybe have a 2 litre pop bottle half filled with water and stick them in that until I get home?
I have taken cuttings at 6am, left them in my truck in a wet paper towel till 4pm, when it was 90*f throughout the day, and they lived...


New Member
you will be fine either way... as long as you pay close attention and make sure nothing gets out of hand on the way home you are good... I've cloned before when i cut them first at 7am and put them in their rooting environment 8 hours later.... :leaf: