cloning prob, real droopy


Well-Known Member
okay so i 2 cuttings from my plant out bak and put them in rockwool and into a little humidity dome, then the next day i threw em in the sun, big mistake cos they shrivled to the max, so i got 3 more cuttings and the 2 shrivling 1's and put em into a bigger humidity dome and threw them under my 100 watt fluro with plenty of water on the walls of the dome, few hours later and there pretty much layin on there sides now, so i took em out and put them into my shitty dwc i made that has rocks instead of hydroton :] but yea i wanna know wat to do to help them??? did i have them to humid or sumthin? ill get pics in a sec if i find a cam, the cuttings are only like 1.5-2 inches tall.


Well-Known Member
plants droop like that when the roots havent taken. give it a bit and use a root enhancer if you can. maybe they can make it. get more advice tho! good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
did you use a humidity dome or anything like that? did you make sure they rooted through the rockwool befor you put them in that system? you have to give them about 2 weeks in something that can get light but stay humid as hell for the whole time. you should get a heat pad to go under the dome so the roots are warm.

this is a pic of my 6 clones i took 3 days ago and have been in the dome i made (also piced) since. you have to take the lid off the dome and mist the plants every day and make sure not to water them so they are saturated, just damp. if the rockwool is saturated with water like it looks like yours are they just drink that and dont make roots to find more watter, making them very week and in most cases die.

sorry to say they dont look to good. leave them in there and see if they will come around but in the meen time i would take more clones and try it this way. make sure you see root growth coming out of the rockwool befor you put them in your system and make sure not to really water them durring the 2 weeks in the dome. just mist the rockwool.

ill post some pics of raw materials i used. this dome cost me 5$ and it works great. check out how healthy its kept my little ladys so far. all you need is to go to walmart and get some of those disposable cooking trays. they come with the perfect lid. you will need the tallest one you can get so your plants have space. its made of tin foil like shit so its reflective and thats kinda bad for this stage so i just covered it with blue masking tape. to keep the rockwool off the tape i got another small plastic tub to fit inside and hold my babys.

good luck man hope i gave you some good advice. ill try to find a good thread about the subject and get back to ya!!!



Well-Known Member
aaww cheers, i didnt root them yet i dunno wat the fuk im doin haha, ill take em outa that and put them bak into the dome, so i just spray the inside of the dome and the plants a bit every day and keep em under my light 24/7?


Well-Known Member
1 - nce you take the clone put it into room temp water so that it doesn't take any air up the stem
2 - try using a rooting gel insted might make a diff
3 - try using the 45 angel cut and scaring
4 - use a 10w - 15w , 6,500k CFL insted of that powerful light.

using a powerful light the grong way could try to make them think its growing time and not rooting time , weak light will let them gather energy with their leafs but not to much to make them think to grow.


Well-Known Member
6,5ooK is the best spec to use
also misting the dome and clones will also help them to root but only do this when the dome is dry and the clones


Well-Known Member
just make sure the rockwool isnt WET. just damp. thats one of the most important things. thats a good dome. keep em in there for 10 -14 days misting every day and having that 15w on em 24/7. clones use theyre stored hormones in the leaves to make roots, not so much the light theyre under. they just need to be reminded to grow with a small light. big light = bad for baby cuttings. follow that thread i gave you and you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
just make sure the rockwool isnt WET. just damp. thats one of the most important things. thats a good dome. keep em in there for 10 -14 days misting every day and having that 15w on em 24/7. clones use theyre stored hormones in the leaves to make roots, not so much the light theyre under. they just need to be reminded to grow with a small light. big light = bad for baby cuttings. follow that thread i gave you and you should be fine.
am I correct that the stronger the light then they won't want to realy focous on rooting and focous on growing new leafs?


Well-Known Member
stronger lights can be too much for clones. they are shocked to hell because they just got cut off and they dont want to be baked under a hot light to add to it. true the plant will focus more on growing leaves under big light. thats why they just need to be reminded to grow theyer roots. roots grow in the light, plants itself grow at night durring the dark cycle.


Well-Known Member
stronger lights can be too much for clones. they are shocked to hell because they just got cut off and they dont want to be baked under a hot light to add to it. true the plant will focus more on growing leaves under big light. thats why they just need to be reminded to grow theyer roots. roots grow in the light, plants itself grow at night durring the dark cycle.
please correct me if I'm wrong but this is because when the plant has at least some light on 24/0 they will be able to keep producing sugars to help build cells and thus helping to build a root system