Cloning question: T-5 CFL distance from plants?


Active Member

I have quite a few clones in a 25-site aero system and several from the last clone session already in pots.

Wondering since they all stand at the same height what is the optimum distance for my T-5 lights from the plants.

Currently have one 24" 4 bulb system and one 48" 4 bulb system right next to each other.

My buddy and I keep disagreeing on what is better for them, I say have them as close as possible but he thnks they should be a foot at least away from them so that they "grow up" towards the light instead of grow wider.

Right now the potted clones are about 4" and we have 6 weeks until the flowering room has free space for them. I'd say keep them close and short until flower but that's just me... comments or ideas??


Well-Known Member
I only use T-5's and on my last grow scientifically proved that 3-5" is ideal... i took daily logs/measurements and cross-analyzed results... seriously, keep that shit close


Well-Known Member
bah, I use a 400 W Metal Halide 16 inches away. If that thing won't kill em a fluoro sure as heck won't.


Well-Known Member
You can basically keep them as close as you want. I've found that they don't start burning at all really until they touch the lamp.. 2 inches is usually good so they don't grow into it right away. Unless they're seedlings, then it's good to keep them 3 or 4in away I had an issue with one drying out because the light was too close. Clones would probably be fine at the 2 inch mark though.


Active Member
Hey thanks for the quick responses guys.

I guess two follow up questions would be;

Does having the T-5 too far away make the plants stretch to the light?

Does having it 1 inch away make them grow wider instead of tall?

We are kind of in height control mode right now with 35 days left to go in the flower room. Currently 4 big 4 foot plants occupy the room, but with ~40 clones ready to go in the moment we chop, we need to make sure there's room for these 40...

Thanks again!


Active Member
are you saying if I have them in a plastic greenhouse (seedlings in rockwool) that I should have the light 3-5" away from the plastic or it should be sitting almost right on it so that it's 3-5" away from the plants????I have 6 tube 48" T5


Active Member
are you saying if I have them in a plastic greenhouse (seedlings in rockwool) that I should have the light 3-5" away from the plastic or it should be sitting almost right on it so that it's 3-5" away from the plants????I have 6 tube 48" T5

yes keep then pretty close.... Don't matter what there in. 6-48" T5's is kinda excessive though, clones don't need much light since they wont grow till rooted. I have 25 under 2 - 23w CFL's and do just fine


Active Member
Ok I went and moved the plants up a lil bit today. They all sprouted through the rockwell. So far so good! I got the 6 tube 48" lamps because it's actually meant for my Ez-cloner 120. What do u guys think a couple weeks in this greenhouse before I can transfer them to my aeroflo???
hey guys here is a dumb question for you.. I am not sure of the spectrum of the cfls i am using for my clone box if it was warm white do you think it would effect rooting time or effect anything negativly?
I keep my t5 as close as possible... without actually touching of course...
Wow! My T5s are 10" away from my plant tops because when I tried the T5s closer, a digital thermometer told me the temp rises to almost 98 degrees when I do.

Yes, I have a fan in constant operation that keeping my crops swaying, but of course my real concern is overheating my crop?

Ideas anyone?
