Cloning question


Active Member
Yea, so i've never cloned before. I'm about to go to the store and get some rockwool and some type of dome container.

I'm confused about the air bubble problem. I've read that if you get an air bubble in the stem this will kill the clone. But if you submerge the ?(this is the part I don't understand) in water and take the cut you won't get an air bubble in the stem.

So, what i'm asking is, do I get a bucket of water, turn my plant on its side, stick the branch in the water and make the cut like that? Seems obvious but when you're a newb, you're a newb.


Well-Known Member
ive never worried too much about it and had great success. just clean a sharp pair of scissors or a razor and cut your clones nice and smooth. quickly dip it in some water and your rooting hormone and into your grow medium. the less time from cut to planting the better.


Well-Known Member
To solve the air bubble issue, I clone by making two cuts. The first one is to cut it off the plant, slightly longer than I need it to be. This one is just a quick slice, or simply chop with scissors. It doesn't need to be precise at all.

The second cut I make with the cutting's stem submerged in a bowl of water. I use a razor blade, make a 45 degree cut, and also scar the stem a few times. From here it's just a quick dip into the rooting hormone, then straight into the medium.

I get consistent results with this method, so I stick with what works for me.


Active Member
yeah, i do like nocturn says and have no problems. Make sure your clones stay between 70-76 degrees to help with root development.