Easy cloning method:
Cut the clone from around lower part of the plant, makeyour cut at a 45 degree angle.
Split the stem of the cut clone down the middle about a quarter to a half an inch.
Dip the stem in water, then shake off the excess water and dip into rooting solution, I prefer the powder.
Get a 1 quart jar, fill nearly full with water, maybe leave an inch or two from the top.
Pour a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into the water to help oxygenate the water.
Cut a couple of holes in the lid of the jar, one in the center, and one towards the edge. Make sure the center hole is large enough to pull the clone out without damaging the roots.
Get an air stone from walmart or your favorite pet supply place, and an air pump and tubing.
Connect the tubing to the air pump and run the tube through the outside edge hole in your lid, the connect the are stone to the other end of your tube.
Screw the lid on and pop in your clone, and plug in your air pump.
Wrap the jar with tape or anything to keep light out.
You will get over 80% rooting success, and you've created a bubbleponics cloning machine.
You also can use just about any container you can think of, as long as it has a lid, I've used this and method with excellent results, and the plants can be transplanted into any medium you chose. The bigger the container, and the more clones you are making, the stronger the air pump needs to be and the air stones must be larger too.