Cloning Questions


Active Member
Hi all. I have a question about a clone. Ok she was taken this past Thursday from a flowering mother. At first she didnt look so good so I put her under 24/lighting and put a plastic bag over the pot to make a dome. She looks good! Standing up, green ya know, healthy. So my question is do I ever remove her dome like for air or like let her dry a bit? I dont want her leaves to rot. Also what am I looking for to tell me shes rooted? I got my fingers crossed on this one. I think she's gonna make it like I said she looks good!! Any helpful insight? Oh yeah I used Rootone to root her and stuck her in dirt. I'll try to get a pic up tonite. Thanks folks!


Well-Known Member
i usually take my bag off once a day to let the stagnant air out, i also mist the bag before i replace. when you see new growth you are sure to have roots. since you took it in flower it may take a bit longer to root. Also you should cut the tips of the leaves off it helps with transpiration


Well-Known Member
i take clones during flower all the time and it doesnt mess my plant up. i wouldnt cut after 3 weeks though but i am sure you could


Well-Known Member
cloning is recommended to be done in veg period not because "your mama will get screwed up" but because it takes longer for a flowering plant to root clones... wrong hormones are being produced. it obviously does work to clone in flower just not as well or as fast.

if you leave the bag on the plant it WILL die because they need air. pop a couple pin holes in the bag and remove it at least once a day if you really think it is helping you... but sometime, when you have clones to spare, give it a try without the bag and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I have a question about a clone. Ok she was taken this past Thursday from a flowering mother. At first she didnt look so good so I put her under 24/lighting and put a plastic bag over the pot to make a dome. She looks good! Standing up, green ya know, healthy. So my question is do I ever remove her dome like for air or like let her dry a bit? I dont want her leaves to rot. Also what am I looking for to tell me shes rooted? I got my fingers crossed on this one. I think she's gonna make it like I said she looks good!! Any helpful insight? Oh yeah I used Rootone to root her and stuck her in dirt. I'll try to get a pic up tonite. Thanks folks!
What medium do you have the plant in? Root plugs, cup of water, soil? Check out my grow journal on last page I have some info on my clones. You said that the plant is standing up straight? That is a good sign, it's healthy, alive and working on producing those roots. But as for when to know if its rooted, this depends on what medium the plant is sitting in. I used rapid rooter root plugs, you can see in my pictures that I pulled the clone out of the tray and saw some roots shooting through the plugs. GL :)


Well-Known Member
I just recently tried the cup of water method, It worked great for me. I put em the cup, set em on top of my window unit ac, and forget about em. Come back in 1 1/2 weeks. Roots are there. I havehad 100% this way. BUT some cuttings are stubborn and take up to 2 1/2 weeks to root.


Well-Known Member
I just recently tried the cup of water method, It worked great for me. I put em the cup, set em on top of my window unit ac, and forget about em. Come back in 1 1/2 weeks. Roots are there. I havehad 100% this way. BUT some cuttings are stubborn and take up to 2 1/2 weeks to root.
You know, I wanted to try this myself, so much less maintenance. Do you put any humidity covering over them or just drop em in the cup and let em sit near a window sill? Also, when planting them what do you do? Just stick em in the soil? Curious, thanks :)


Active Member
Hi and thanks for the replies :-) She looks like she's gonna make it!!! She never got real sad, a little but not too bad. I do take the bag off once a day, yesterday I left it off for a few hours. She's really green and healthy looking. Its been 8 days now. I wanted to dig into the pot to look for roots but decided I'd wait cause I dont want to screw her up. I haven't had an opportunity to look at her this morn, but I don't expect to see much different. I did trim her leaves some, and took off a couple that weren't doing anything but turning yellow. She's a big girl, cause we cut her too big but she's alive and doing well. Another question--since she's about 5-6" tall when I go to repot her can I stick her down deeper in the dirt like say 3" or so? Thanks so very much folks.


Active Member
Hi again :-) So does anyone know if I can plant my clone deeper in the soil than it is? Its about 6" tall and I have to keep her short. I was wanting to transplant her today if possible. How deep can I go with her? Thanks.


Active Member
Ok cool. Now how far up past the 1st set, like halfway to the 2nd, closer than halfway? Just go with what looks good? I know Im a little goofy :-) I'm pretty sure she got roots, she looks good, leaves at 1st node are growing, but wont hurt to let her be a couple more days to be sure. I just dont want her to get to much going in the pot shes in cause it's not her home. Thanks a bunch!!


Well-Known Member
yeah I always plant my clones as deep as I can so that the first set of leaves is barely off the dirt. I have had no problems doing this.
I just recently tried the cup of water method, It worked great for me. I put em the cup, set em on top of my window unit ac, and forget about em. Come back in 1 1/2 weeks. Roots are there. I havehad 100% this way. BUT some cuttings are stubborn and take up to 2 1/2 weeks to root.
does this work for real? i take a clone and i put it in my cloning powder which is rootone by the way. and leave it in a cup of water in sunlight and it works?

I Love Marijuana

Active Member
When Cloning i would always advise the use of rock wool this medium is much easier for new roots to penetrate and have excellent oxigenation which also helps :)


Active Member
Hiya NextDoor,
She survived! I have a pic of her up on the CFL board, First Time Clone/CFL PICS is the title of the thread. Since posting that I have moved her to a new pot, in a new location under a MH light and shes a happy camper. I'm fixin to take a few starts off her soon as shes a little bigger. Im real happy with the progress.
Hiya NextDoor,
She survived! I have a pic of her up on the CFL board, First Time Clone/CFL PICS is the title of the thread. Since posting that I have moved her to a new pot, in a new location under a MH light and shes a happy camper. I'm fixin to take a few starts off her soon as shes a little bigger. Im real happy with the progress.

how's rootone? that shit nice?