Cloning troubles... wilting almost


Active Member
So these are some pictures of a couple clones i started yesterday about 12 midday. By 12 midnight they were all drooping/sagging as opposed to when i put them in they were all plenty strong/taught.

I don't have a mister so i just made sure there was water in both the tupperware. Looking back, there could've been a little too much in the bottom and maybe it was too humid? I have a top tupperware on there, just not for pics obviously. I took the top off for a little bit when i saw they were sagging, to try and get the light to pick them up a little bit.

I'm not heating them or anything, not in the cards at this point in time. But i was wondering what you guys see? I'm using a soil kind of thing, not rockwool, but i honestly dont know what it was called, as he just gave me a few to sample. I also think they could've been too wet, becuase i just soaked them in water for a little and kind of shook them around to get the bad excess water off...

any tips or comments more than welcome



Active Member
There are some interesting tips in the GrowFAQ area about cloning.

Tip 1: If you try to clone a fan leaf, it will develop into a well-rooted fan leaf, nothing more.


Well-Known Member
right, you can't clone fan leaves!
You need to clip the top part of a branch preferably on the lower part of the plant, you need to read the grow faq, top left...


Well-Known Member
You NEED to build humidity dome(s) those. Cover them LOOSELY with a plastic bag? You don't want the dome (bag) touching the plant. Trimming away most of the bigger leaves from their stems (leave a little bit of leaf and the stem attached to stalk) will help the plant respire (breathe) and hasten root growth.
Many keep fluro 18"-24" above clones 24 "on" . . . remove dome(s) at least once a day. Mist foliage occasionally.

Read clone info

Edit 6:41 MST . . . uhhh, obviously I didn't enlarge your pics before trying to help.


Well-Known Member
lol...Definetly have to clone a growing tip man not fan leaves. The grow facts will show you exactly where to cut and all if you read it. It looks like the one in the middle right may be a growing tip but I cant tell. But to answer you question for when you get it right. I clone every two weeks and after twelve hours or so they always fall over this is normal. It takes mine about three days before they have the strenght on there own to stand back up. The first three days the look dead and then they stand up look strong. Another day or two and there will be bright fresh green growth in the center and about another day later roots start poppin off. Good luck
