Cloning - WTF

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]I had an EZ cloner at one time and had the same difficulties wolfhound explains. It was a bitch trying to keep those temps down. The ones I believe work great, if you have the extra money, is the bontanicare cloned. Have always seen amazing results and super healthy, long roots.
Ive liked Rockwool but lately love to clone in rapid rooters. They seem to hold the perfect amount of moisture. As swagg said certain strains take longer then most but if you don't have any roots in two weeks id just scrap them. I use trays, rapid rooters and a dome. Make sure my humidity is above 60% at all times and have always seen amazing results. Also I find that sometimes when I don't use cloning gel, they have seemed to clone faster.[/FONT]


New Member
yup 78 degrees and phed water. I made a hydro cloner out of a five gallon bucket submersible pump pvc pipe and 360 sprayers works every time.


Well-Known Member
I also have a home made bubble cloner. It's a small six site. I cut circles out of a foam rubber mat and drilled probably a 1/8 inch hole in the centers of the rubber circles and then I cut a slice in them that when pulled open it looks like a pac-man. Then I take the cut, open the slit, slide in the cut leaving 1/4 to 1/2 inch hanging out of the bottom. I really pretty much have all cuts pop. Some pop in like 4 or 5 days. Some like chem dawg can take 2 or 3 weeks. Anyways all of a sudden nothing would pop, and I couldn't figure out why. Finally I bought new airstones. What a difference! You take your lid off and look and see if everythings working allright and it's bubbling fine, but then you put in new airstones and it bubbles 50% better, what a difference, must be all the extra oxygen that the cut gets. Anyhow thats all that was wrong with mine, maybe it will help you. Please realize I type like 6 words per minute, so this quick reply took 20 minutes lol Also I dont use anything, just take the cut, trying to have a internode below the rubber circle and thats it. I do try to let my tap water sit overnight so the chlorine dissapates, but I dont use clonex or anything special. Just tap water.
i thought the dryness would stunt the process, boy was i wrong. just took extra care and time looking for healthy cuttings and 7 of the 9 were generously rooted and ready for soil in 11 days, and i used the soil kind and not rockwhool.. just misted the top of the cloning container heavily and the clones themselves generously every 3 days. the strain was ice from nirvana,which im not too happy about because i foolishly lost my green crack and white russion mothers.. but the ice mom does look gorgeous.


Active Member
I tried going to two airstones instead of their piece of plastic. Just NO way to keep the water temp down in the 70s without adding ice packs or chiller. Ice packs every few hours is just not in the picture. Pump is too big and heats the small amount of water in the cloner when used as is. The bigger EZC probably work fine with a larger reservoir for cooling the pump. With zero effort rapid rooters worked for me . . .


Active Member
I didn't think airstones were necessary with an aerocloner. As long as your sprayers are working, it should provide enough oxygen. I guess mire couldn't hurt though. Are you running the pump 24/7? If so knock it back to 15 on 15 off. 1 min on and 4 min off is best, but those timers are expe.nsive


Well-Known Member
Even the LARGE EZ cloner is plagued by temp problems. The pump is to blame and you cannot cycle it on/off on/off alot or it dies. It is designed to run 24/7 and other than the heat issue, the EZ-Cloner works great. What I ended up doing with mine was 2 2 liter soda bottles filled about 3/4 of the way with distilled water and then frozen. I would place one frozen 2 liter bottle in the unit, while the other was still in the freezer. The next day, i swap them out. Keeps my temps right at 72 degrees which isn't too bad and I get great, fast clones. If you room temps are high you may need to use both 2 liters bottles at once. Works for me! :)


Well-Known Member
add clonex clear rez or hydroguard to your water.... I thought the main reason for keeping lower temps is bacteria or the slime monster

Do cuts really root quicker @ 70* than 80*?? in water....mabey thats my issue with the ez cloner

When I pull my clones in RR and a dome in the sumer time... the ambient temp is 80* I get roots in 10-14 days

in wintertime the ambient is 72 and my roots take twice as long


Well-Known Member
add clonex clear rez or hydroguard to your water.... I thought the main reason for keeping lower temps is bacteria or the slime monster

Do cuts really root quicker @ 70* than 80*?? in water....mabey thats my issue with the ez cloner

When I pull my clones in RR and a dome in the sumer time... the ambient temp is 80* I get roots in 10-14 days

in wintertime the ambient is 72 and my roots take twice as long
I have an aerocloner and it does well at temps in the 80's for me 99% of the time. I set my automatic thermostat to 80f. My probelm is to keep it clean and freah water every 3 days clones love fresh water well for me.