

Well-Known Member
I have worked with feminized seeds years ago so being good at cloning was not necessary.
I actually feminized my own seeds and yet I am afraid of cloning.

I am a organic soil grower but what will be an easy and successful clone station?
I see domed kits online. Is that what I want?

I am doing a seed rescue with ten to twelve year old seeds. I got a few to germinate. Amazing!
I have 5 alive. This is a medical strain that I bred to help me with autism and bipolar.

I welcome your input.
I've been through a few cloners, aeros are the worst as far as success and maintenance. Rapid Rooters from AMZ are great!. Just take your cutting at a 45 degree clean cut, dip in Clonex, and pop it in the tray, make sure the bottom channels are always full of water (about 16 oz), and put the dome on. You'll have the best success with a heat mat with a thermostat on it.
Get a tray, get a dome. Sometimes you don't need them but they are cheap enough to not worry about the cost and helpful. Easiest way to clone in my opinion is in coco. Kind of like a set and forget. I use small 9 oz plastic cups. They have the clear and the red ones. I use the clear ones to hold my medium and the red ones as a sleeve cup to block the light.
How many clones will you be doing at a time? I only make like 4 at a time, so I just use root riot cubes and zip lock bags, 100% success rate after I got the right moisture levels down. Otherwise any tray plus tall dome would work.
i just use solo cups with a couple of holes in the bottom. fill em with straight coco, dip my clones in clonex gel, and put em down under the foliage of their older siblings till i start to see roots coming out of the bottom of the cup, no domes, just mist them twice a day, and keep the coco lightly damp...if any die, it was the weak ones anyway. i get an 80+% success rate
Get a tray, get a dome. Sometimes you don't need them but they are cheap enough to not worry about the cost and helpful. Easiest way to clone in my opinion is in coco. Kind of like a set and forget. I use small 9 oz plastic cups. They have the clear and the red ones. I use the clear ones to hold my medium and the red ones as a sleeve cup to block the light.
that is a great idea, i usually just wait to see roots poking out of my red cups....
How many clones will you be doing at a time? I only make like 4 at a time, so I just use root riot cubes and zip lock bags, 100% success rate after I got the right moisture levels down. Otherwise any tray plus tall dome would work.
This will be a strain rescue.
I don't know.
I'm forming an opinion with you as we go.
I get roots in a week in my clone king. Had a DIY aerocloner for years that used to leak all the time but when the pump shit the bed I got this CK. Works great and has already paid for itself in hundreds of clones. Just be sure to label your mamas; cloned some very healthy looking boys recently. Six to nine’s true longer & thicker is better
that is a great idea, i usually just wait to see roots poking out of my red cups....
Honestly, once you see roots on the side of the cups, in a day or two they are poking out of the bottom. I always tell myself I am going to just use one solo cup but I always fall back on the two. Probably a lack of patience on my behalf lol. I really only clone in coco when I am re-establishing mother plants. Otherwise it is root riot type cubes all day.
I get roots in a week in my clone king. Had a DIY aerocloner for years that used to leak all the time but when the pump shit the bed I got this CK. Works great and has already paid for itself in hundreds of clones. Just be sure to label your mamas; cloned some very healthy looking boys recently. Six to nine’s true longer & thicker is better

Funny. Bigger, longer and uncut joke there.
So thicker but not woody yes?

I should be so lucky to have a 10 year old male in the mix. It's possible after 10+ years that the regulars are mixed in.
I gathered all of the jars and mixed.
The point is to rescue. I hope I have a male. Feminized are nice but to keep the strain alive it takes some real breeding. So I am told.

I feel better about this.
I have the Jumpstart kit in my Cart on Amazon, heat-pad, rapid rooters and the thermostat that goes with the heating pad.

Am I good on this? I'll order these if is right.

Naturally I am not making 72 clones but bigger is better <snicker>


I'm in Clone-Hell!

I did as before and started some cuts in the picture above. They all died.
So I thought it must be too hot. Lowered the tray and opened the vents. Made more cuts and they all died.

Cuts in the cups with water under the LED lamp in the front room ( think reading lamp ) they looked great three days after I plugged the other cuts into rapid-rooter plugs and put them in the tray.

So I thought hey I'll just try some cuts in soil. They are dying.

Does Clone-X go bad?
Perhaps it too hot?
Perhaps I'm missing something.

It's rather important to keep these genetics around.

So hey, better to ask the question than to not ask the question.

What am I doing wrong?
what are you cutting them with i’m not saying thats the reason for your failures but use sterile equipment for cutting. scalpels work well for me. open a new one for each plant, use clean glasses filled with clean water, put them into water as soon as you cut them.

are they getting moldy or something? got pics of the dying clones?
what are you cutting them with I’m not saying that's the reason for your failures but use sterile equipment for cutting. scalpels work well for me. open a new one for each plant, use clean glasses filled with clean water, put them into water as soon as you cut them.

are they getting moldy or something? got pics of the dying clones?

I just have those in solo cups and regular soil (with drainage) in the tent right now. I just thought to try something different. They went in last night after doing just fine in water under a reading lamp.

I'm okay with people pointing out the obvious.

As for cutting. I have Fiskars. I wipe with ISO Alcohol. I could do more. I could get single sided blades.


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humidity domes bro, are you not using a dome? they need very high humidity. no way you can keep them perky without a dome in soil.

also if you’re using those fiskars for any other job i’d go with scalpels