

Well-Known Member
i been having problems wit my clone it has been 12 days and no sign of root. they are in my bubbler cloner and rite now they are wilting can somebody plz tell me what is happening like why is it wilting?


Active Member
The wilting can be overcome as long it devolps roots and you begin to veg it. Are there no signs of root growth? Two weeks is the norm for roots beginning to show so you've still got some time. Is there any stem rot? What cloning chemicals did you use if any at all?


Well-Known Member
i am using takeroot and today i have looked at it and ther is a little signs of root developing but they are wilting really bad can you tell me what causes wilting?


Well-Known Member
Step 1 - Go to the very top of this page
Step 2 - Click "Search" right below the Rollitup logo
Step 3 - Type in "cloning wilting" and click go.
Step 4 - Read

Good luck!