
tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yeah, just been reading around on the wax, no reason for it not to work. but unless i had someone with a gun to my head telling me he needed his harvest on X of the month else snuff, i'll just wait the extra day. a heated prop will stop any real moisture loss due to the near 100% humidity.


Active Member
I have patient friends that have had the same strain in their garden .By cloning for 10 years.Do that then ask does a plant hold all the goodies oh yea.The shit's been legal here for 12 years now.


A clone is just a cutting that takes root seperate from the mother. Same DNA, same integrity. Stress from the transplant, if not done properly, can lead to a lower yield and overall decline in the healthiness of the plant. If done in a proper manner the cuttings will simply be a seperate plant of the same strain. If DNA is altered in even the slightest way, the plant will die. DNA is a very sensitive thing. Use yourself as a constitution to this. One of your cells is exposed to too much UV rays, the radiation alters your DNA in the slightest bit, you now have cancer. The idea of DNA weakening is absurd. DNA is a complex of molecules which are composed of atoms and from my few years of chemical engineering I haven't encountered any weak atoms of any element.

Metalarc Lemon

Active Member
take 20 bucks and make an aero cloner out of a 5 gallon bucket & lid and you will just cut and wait a week and boo yah! roots. no spray no wax no domes no nothin! a bucket lid using 2" cups can hold 13 clones. 100% root! I'll never jiffy pellet again!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
and can i get rockwool anywhere? like homedepot
i actually noticed that BnQ started carrying peat pellets and rockwool cubes.

i either get mine from a local hydro shop or from the internet, bnq = expensive

are you growing in soil or hydro? if soil then use peat pellets and if hydro then yeah, rockwool


Active Member
So why do people say not to keep cloning your clones then.

Why not just take one clone from each plant in your flowering room in the first week of flower, by the time they are ready the flowering plants will be finished and you could keep rotating without the need of a mother.


Well-Known Member
ya everyone ive ever talked to has told me the same thing, if you keep cloning your clones your dank wont be as potent as if you kept a mother or 2.
i keep a mother and clone off of her. i dont know how much of a difference in potency it changes, but i would rather not find out and do it the way my friends/mentors have showed me. if it aint broke, dont fix it.