cloning ???


I have clones that are 10 days old and showing roots. I put them in pots. Whats the next step?? Do I keep them under florescent lights for awhile or straight outside?? Should I put them in a shady spot or direct sunlight?? I've seen plenty of videos on youtube but they haven't shown what to do after the clone is "done". thanx


Well-Known Member
Give them a couple days to take hold. Maybe put them out on the porch in the shade to harden off before you put them in the sun. You just wanna make sure they've got enough roots to deal with the heat.


Well-Known Member
When young plants are moved from indoors to outdoors you want to undergo a process called "hardening off".

Give your plants a few hours outside every day getting longer and longer. Should take around 2 weeks if done properly. Suddenly switching indoor/greenhouse plants to full outdoor shocks them. If your clones are rooted and in soil now, I'd start the hardening off process this week. May as well acclamate them while they're still fully rooting.