

Active Member
I had a hell of a time figuring it out. I had clone gel, rockwool, dome, everything. Then I got rapid rooters. Tried them with the gel. Heat mat, no heat mat. Got NOTHING.

Got pissed off, cut two clones with an old nasty razor blade, 45'd them and jammed them into the rapid rooters just as they were. Fuckers rooted in 4 days. I can't figure it out.

Everyone on here will tell you to keep it simple. Apparently they are right!


Well-Known Member
Yeah i never clean shit i use a lil thing i hold the dogs toys in and put a plastic bad around it mist in the morning and at like 4 or 5 and mine stay outside.. So its quite simple doesnt take much.


Well-Known Member
I've yet to find a good use for rockwool :) there is always something else I prefer over it in every situation, every time!


Well-Known Member
- jiffy pellets suck! use rockwool every time....... jiffy pellets stay soggy and wet and make it more likely that clones will mold..... rockwool cubes r perfectly easy and simple........ say no to jiffy pellets....... I tried them and went straight back to Rockwool!
guys we all know rockwool sucks but u still have ppl like this.. Its ok lol let em keep using the shit


Active Member
Well its been 4 full days since I cut and placed the clones directly in soil and the stalks are still very stiff and strong but the leaves are saggy but over all it is still standing.:clap:


Well-Known Member
U just keep waiting brotha i took some clones like 4 days ago and still got them in the jiffy pellita and ubcan see the roots comin out the sides of the pellets


Active Member
My clones are in my veg tent with 24 hr light, why are there pistols showing? Should I go ahead and start flowering? The clones are only 8 or 9 inches.............What to do I am stumped but then again this is my first time cloning.


Well-Known Member
My first wife (what a trooper) was not a smoker. She loved houseplants. This was 1970 and I was still in the Corps and broke (PFC). She was not awed by a pot plant and its delicate nature etc. She figured any plant could be cloned or at least attempted. Cut them like we do today. She put them in a big styrofoam cup from a 7-11 drink washed out and changed the water daily. Kept them right in the kitchen where we had household fluoros overhead. In about 10-days roots were visible along the entire stem. Tiny but there. Into peat moss in peat cups and under milk jugs with the bottoms off. She kept the tops to screw on at night and kept them outside. In short, that lady grew me some kickass stuff using tap water and twice she fed flowering houseplant food once they flowered from an A&P grocery aisle.

I use mostly Clonex gel today. Bag the 45 if you want. I use scissors that are sterilized and super sharp. Straight acrossas I believe it reduces the lumen of the stem inside and makes it easier to draw water up with less "pressure" because it does require that. Into the water for about 10 days in a container light can't penetrate and wait. Then I use a scalpel and a jewelers magnifying lense visor (from past hobbies and work) and BARELY incise a few cuts up the stem and not all the way through or even close but enough for Clonex or Take Root powder to medicate because that is what it is and does. Into vermiculite cups under a germinator hood for 5-7 days and it almost is 100% for me. Tapping my head as I lack any better wood seeking luck having said all that.


Well-Known Member
And if you use the compressed peat pellets with the little net bags? They are great. They lift out of my germinator intact. But be warned and cut or tear that fricking net entirely off before transplanting. I have not seen that mentioned although I'm sure many have posted on it. I used them for the first time this grow. Sweet Jesus. Popped them right into the grow media figuring they were biodegradable. Like heck. They can root-bind a young plant in a heartbeat. I had to lift up 6 and tear that crap off, exposing and tearing off young roots that were entwined in it. Used them since and removed the net after lifting from the germinator and no more problems obviously.


Active Member
OK??????????????? Anyway here are the clones I was talking about they are only 3 wks from cutting and they have been on 24 hr light since so WHY they are already showing signs of flowering already is beyond me. In the one pic you can see it pretty clearly.BK,VK,BC,WW day 24 003.jpgKeep in mind this is my first time cloning so I KNOW NOTHING, LOL. These three clones are some trash I pulled off one of my bagseed plants and thought I would try it and they turned out pretty good but this flowering thing is mind boggling. Any comments welcome. ThxBK,VK,BC,WW day 24 004.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sometimes actually pretty pften when plants reach maturity so around 8 inches prolly they will show their sex


Well-Known Member
All u guys do yourself a favor and buy and oxycloner. Battled with cloning for over a year with poor ass success rates. Now that I have an oxycloner 100% roots every single time with just plain ph'd water no clonex or any other chemicals. Just cut clones on a 45 and trim the leaves and in 7 days huge amazing roots. You guys have got to try it. Freaking awesome. 20 site cloner for 50 bucks. I'll spend 50 bucks any day of the week to know I'm keeping my most beloved strains going without any doubt of losing any of my genetics.


Active Member
OK, I guess I should ask my question a little bit more clear. I have clones that are roughly 3 wks from cutting. They have been on 24hr light. They are showing there pistols under the 24 hr light. Now my question is...........Should I start 12 hr light now or wait until I really want to flower them.


Well-Known Member
OK, I guess I should ask my question a little bit more clear. I have clones that are roughly 3 wks from cutting. They have been on 24hr light. They are showing there pistols under the 24 hr light. Now my question is...........Should I start 12 hr light now or wait until I really want to flower them.
Wait until your plants are big as u would like before flower