Close call


Well-Known Member
holy shit i swear i almost shat myself last night this kid tried breaking into my place it was my roommates friend they got in a fight that's when he tried breaking in and my roommate and i beat the hell out of him the kid kicked our door in starting trying to punch my roommate my roommate blocked his punches and landed a few nice ones i started beating on the guy and before i could leave to go hide my plant the cops are at the door taking pix and everything they were here for a good 2 or 3 hours and i was in the front room trying not to shit myself hoping the cops couldn't smell shit

lucky me they didn't and they were pretty cool for being cops
the lady cop that was taking the pix has dealt with me before for a different reason (she was a rookie at the time)

but i just felt like writing on here about my close call last night

any other close calls with cops?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i wouldstill watch your self. they could have smelldsome thing and come back with a search warrent. they did not have one then to search your place thats why the didn,t.


Well-Known Member
i wouldstill watch your self. they could have smelldsome thing and come back with a search warrent. they did not have one then to search your place thats why the didn,t.
I totally agree. Not tryin' to make you paranoid or anything but you should be more careful. When you're growing (especially in a non-med state) you gotta be on your best behavior at all times so you don't have run-ins like this one. Can't go pissin' off the natives and if your roommate is the one causing problems it may be time for him to go. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I totally agree. Not tryin' to make you paranoid or anything but you should be more careful. When you're growing (especially in a non-med state) you gotta be on your best behavior at all times so you don't have run-ins like this one. Can't go pissin' off the natives and if your roommate is the one causing problems it may be time for him to go. :weed:

yeah i'm not to scared about a search warrant cause they didn't even ask if i lived here but of course my roommate knew i was growing and him being a dumb ass told the kid he got in a fight with so that's brought that scare and it's almost time to harvest (3 more weeks) and yeah i've been on pretty good behavior
and he has brought more trouble then that over and i couldn't agree more that he's gotta go but the reason i can't just be like peace dude is cause he knows about it i've only told him cause he's my roommate and i wanted him to know that it was in the house so not to panic or anything (i've known this kid since 7th grade)


Well-Known Member
yeah i'm not to scared about a search warrant cause they didn't even ask if i lived here but of course my roommate knew i was growing and him being a dumb ass told the kid he got in a fight with so that's brought that scare and it's almost time to harvest (3 more weeks) and yeah i've been on pretty good behavior
and he has brought more trouble then that over and i couldn't agree more that he's gotta go but the reason i can't just be like peace dude is cause he knows about it i've only told him cause he's my roommate and i wanted him to know that it was in the house so not to panic or anything (i've known this kid since 7th grade)
Perhaps you need to spell it out for him then. Quite bringing heat on you guys or tell him to pack his shit. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you need to spell it out for him then. Quite bringing heat on you guys or tell him to pack his shit. :weed:
he's movin anyways he's found a new place with a friend but he says he's not sure he's gunna move but also i'm gunna tell him he needs to move if he can't come up with half of rent and pay half utilities (if not all cause my girlfriend paid all that i didn't have enough money to help with that but i put my half in rent) and my girlfriend and i pay most of rent he get's off with paying like 350 total this month he couldn't even do that he only came up with 220 and he had a job but he got fired he should have saved but he's just pissin us off and i'm almost certain that he will move but we will see if he pays

but i also don't want the fuzz on me for tellin him to leave
and we might be moving to cali if we can't make rent if we kick him out we are saving like a motha fo trying to get some money


New Member
one plant i would tell him to kick rocks... or wait till ur done dont tell him about the clones and part ways

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
p-u-n-c-t-u-a-t-i-o-n! in regard to a complete lack of it.

If he isn't even paying his share of the bills and rent then just tell him to get the fuck out. my previous flatmate was my best mate, didn't stop me booting him cus he couldn't afford it. He understood fully and we're still great friends.


Active Member
The lesson is if you are going to grow you need to live alone... And remember the first rule of growing... NEVER TELL ANYONE>>>>PERIOD.... Peace


Well-Known Member
p-u-n-c-t-u-a-t-i-o-n! in regard to a complete lack of it.

If he isn't even paying his share of the bills and rent then just tell him to get the fuck out. my previous flatmate was my best mate, didn't stop me booting him cus he couldn't afford it. He understood fully and we're still great friends.

yeah i've known this kid since jr high he's not my best mate he's just a mate and he paid some of it but if he can't make half of next months everything he's out and he's gotta find someone to move in (and of course i know never to tell anyone but he's my homie and he was in my room and saw the light so i kinda had to tell him)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
good plan. tell him if he really wants to stay then he should get a loan :lol: and that you're not his red-zone overdraft.


Well-Known Member
The lesson is if you are going to grow you need to live alone... And remember the first rule of growing... NEVER TELL ANYONE>>>>PERIOD.... Peace
Thats solid advice right there...

My friends always wanna come over here. And I always avoid the subject.

I dont have to explain nothing..Its the way I want it, and thats that.I pay my bills and I have the right to be the ultra private guy that Iam.

Yea, If you grow weed and you have a roomate, I would be as cool as possible to him if I want him out...

Revenge/Jealousy is a Motherfucker. :hump: