closed environment growroom


Any body grow using a room set up this way? Living in michigan where heating the room costs alot it seemed easier to control temp and everything else on a closed loop. If anyone has tried this i would appreciate any advice you had to offer.


Well-Known Member
the closed enviroment is the way to go IF you can dial in EVERYTHING.
Where I live it is high humidity and temps in summer and 20F at night sometimes in winter. I have a sealed room 10 X 12 that has been great until my girls grew - 60 plants almost 3 ft tall and drinking over 30 gallons every 3 days. Plants transpire so much more than I anticipated and it is a real MotherF fighting to keep the humidity in check. That's been my only issue. I'll help anyway I can. Good Luck

Gimme The Spliffff

Active Member
c02 is also important.. That was my huge problem and I solved that with a generator.. almost done with the room but i been growing in there but my shit hasnt been great with no c02 lmfao..I have mothers veg'ing i wont cut clones till i get the c02 and the room straight good luck


Well-Known Member
I went with a propane Co2 generator first but one of the by products is moisture so I had to switch to bottled CO2


thanx shrubs thats a nice set up and good info.still need to get co2 generater but im almost ready. not sure which one to get.we added more patients and had to expand dont want to do it twice


Active Member
Yeah, I'd say co2 injection is the most important part of a sealed room. I run completely sealed in a 22 cu ft area (2x2x5.5), and with co2 injection my plants are quite lovely AND can handle the higher heats of such a cramped space with no problems. Humidity is a problem, I use a product similar to this:
but in a larger grow, obviously you will need a regular dehumidifier.


my room is always dry now. ever since i added the heater.figured if it got hotter in the summer the co2 would help but it never got over 78 all summer with cheap and partial insulation. flowering rooms lights come on at 4pm and shut off at 5pm on a reverse cycle keeps room temps fairly constant ,summer and winter. Im sure it will change when i seal it up.