Closet/Attic Bagseed Risky First Grow


Active Member
I started my first grow about 6 weeks ago. The following is what I have going right now:

Location - 5x5x8 (lengthXwidthXheight) closet

Lights - 2 26w 6500k CFL's with reflectors, 2 long florescent tubes

Medium - soil-less mix (1:1:1 peat moss, vermiculite, perlite)

Nutrition - General Hydroponics Flora Series (FloraGro 2-1-6, FloraMicro 5-0-1, and FloraBloom 0-5-4)

Plants - bag-seeds from at least 3 different sources. 13 plants altogether right now, including one not yet germinated.

Temperature - I have not kept records, but the temps in the closet are close to 70F when lights are off, and max out at about 90F after a few hours of lights being on. I'm not sure if this is acceptable or not. I have read differing opinions on the matter.

Airflow - Two fans. One 9 inch Box fan and one oscillating tower fan with a wind emulation mode (not sure how beneficial this feature is)

I'm using small peat pots until they are ready to be transplanted. This was a HUGE mistake. The peat pots dry out incredibly fast, creating an unstable moisture content within the soil. Some of the plants are showing signs of moisture stress as a result. I need to transplant 9 plants that are in these horrible containers into something else, probably just solo/party cups for now. (I'm hoping the peat pots are small enough to simply drop into the cups, as this will take transplant shock out of the equation.)

I transplanted the best looking seedling into a 2 gallon pail. The seedling is about 4 weeks old. It was in a peat pot previously, so there should be minimal shock, if any. I placed one of the 26w CFL's 2 inches directly above it.

I have not covered everything yet. I will continue to update this thread regularly.

Please post your thoughts, suggestions, questions...everything will be appreciated.

The next post will contain pictures.


Active Member
Ok so I obviously don't know how to keep a journal. :( oh well... Here are some pics of the grow anyways. Hover over pictures to see what they are.
