Closet exhaust question


Well-Known Member
Depending on what lights your running and the ambient temp of the room the closet is in, you could pull air in from that room (low down) and exhaust into the same room (higher up). Providing you have a good filter and are able to leave a window ajar or you are able to run a an AC from time to time with lights on... You'll have no problems - STELTHY :leaf:
Right on stelthy, you just described my arrangement to a T. If I don't leave the window open my ambient temps in the room can reach about 78 before the lights go off, and cools back down to 70'ish by the next morning. On particularly warm days I leave a window ajar like you said... and sometimes I just pop the door to the room open for a while and that is enough to shift the extra heat and humidity out into the rest of the house. Don't even need a fan for that.