CLOSET GARDEN RD 2 --PICS-- 7 Strain 400wHPS Organic


Active Member
whats up yall? so i harvested my first grow about 2 months ago and got 30g of dry Citral marijuana, woohoo! less than i was hoping to yield but i learned a lot and it was fun so i decided to try again.
First off, really enjoyed the citral. was very low odor (as advertised) and when it dried it had even less of a smell. i kinda did a speed cure for 3 days... maybe thats why it tasted slightly like green tea. so for smell and taste 3/10. but the high was good starts with a strong head high and moves into a couch-locking buzz later. caught a lot of people off gaurd because of its lack of smell / taste... didnt even smell like someone was smoking weed if you used a tobacco leaf.
Ok now the new grow. Wanted to try for more variety + yield so i got more seeds and a more powerful light.
Im growing 4 indica dominant strains - they are Orange Bud, Blueberry, BigbudxWidow, and pure widow. and 3 sativa strains - NY47, Mako Haze, Mekong High.
All are growing in 4.99 organic veggie soil from lowes. last grow used organic soil (different brand) and it worked out well... very little issues with the citral. i was gonna add perlite but this stuff was pretty well mixed with perlite and pete moss already. I vegged for 3 weeks then turned them all to flower... i want to keep them small because height is an issue and because the mekong takes 16-18 weeks to flower and ive only got one room. feeding em FF bigbloom now that there on 12.
Anyway here are the Pics... ill get some better ones when the hps is off.
The bud shots are of the citral... it looked a lot like haze upclose. also stretchy plant is the blueberry... it over-germinated in the towel and had a huge taproot... but its current state is a huge improvement from its sidewaysness so i think its on the road to recovery. NY47 is inbetween the HPS and CFL and seems to be loving it... might look into a t5 setup.



Active Member
the widows both seem to have some discoloration on the lower leaves... after a feeding of bigbloom the new growth isnt showing any signs of it... i think im also gonna feed a little nitrogen to the whole crop. before i go back to mostly p.


Active Member
Ok so today its been a week of 12/12 for the closet - and so far things are going ok. I'm having a problem with 3 of the indica plants, i think its a combination of over-fert and under-watering. The sativas are beasts and besides the mekong high having "the claw" they are healthy. anyway ill post of pics of where they are at now... hopefully you guys can help identify my problem with pictures and my description. BTW sativas (black pots) have been getting mainly CFL light and indicas (tan pots) have been getting mostly HPS light.

First two pics are the white widow... the lower leaves are yellow starting at the tip working their way towards the stem. Next three are the Widow x Bigbud. then one of the blueberrys leaves. then the "claw" then the sativas in a group shot...
On the WWxBB you can see the top new growth is really twisted... is this too much nitrogen? too much heat? too little water? what do you guys think?
ps. added drying shot of the citral harvest.

