Closet Grow [High Pressure Aeroponic/~600w T5HO/Mini] Gods Gift, Sour D


Well-Known Member
i got questiuon on pressure tanks...does the size of a tank say 100L effect the pump's working period...becuse I heard that a tank gives out water under set up presure for 75% or 50% of water without the pump turning on and refiling it. is that true? Rhizotonic by canna helps with roots fuzzynes,,what ppm then should be kept to keep roots like that...?

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
i got questiuon on pressure tanks...does the size of a tank say 100L effect the pump's working period...becuse I heard that a tank gives out water under set up presure for 75% or 50% of water without the pump turning on and refiling it. is that true? Rhizotonic by canna helps with roots fuzzynes,,what ppm then should be kept to keep roots like that...?
Yes, the larger the tank, the longer time between the pump coming on (and the longer it will run when it does obviously). You can think of the tank as a sort of "battery" or capacitor to store water under pressure that gets recharged by the pump. Most importantly, this gives you instant pressure, which is important if you do your reasearch. Also it is helpful in event of a power failure. My 12gal accumulator should hold enough water for an estimated 2-3 days between pump coming on, and even then, the pump will likely only run for 3-5 minutes to recharge it again. It save salot of electricity over traditional hydro/low pressure aero methods. ;)

Root hairs are likely more a response from the right amount of moisture to the roots through proper droplet size and short mist timings (usually under 1 sec every few minutes depending on your configuration), rather than from any bottle imo.


Well-Known Member
12gl 2-3 days...nd you got 50 micron misters with 80+psi? how much did it all cost? i suppose you bought additional valve pvc okay for fittings...?

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
It's alot more to understand than just answering the few questions you just asked. You have to understand wholly the underlying principles, and WHY. Yes, there are other components necessary to the system, they are listed in the first few pages of my thread, as well as a synopsis of what true hp aero really means. I am just finishing putting together my first system, but I believe I understand the concepts well- I just need to put them into practice. There are others subbed to my thread who have been doing this well for a long time. You're more than welcome to read and post there if you like.

No, you cannot use pvc to achieve true hp root structure. As you delve deeper into the concepts of HPA, you'll realize it's all about precise control, and pvc won't allow it because it tends to stretch under pressure, and won't give you a crisp instant on/off with the mist. We use John guest lines and fittings. They are really easy to work with, and quite small. You just cut the 1/4 hose, and push the fittings on- it's way cooler than pvc... Cloud tops and bio-controls are 2 of the nozzle suppliers popular in the thread- but don't get ahead of yourself, the nozzles alone won't do anything for you without the underlying knowledge in how to wield them. For instance- other than mist size, you'll also have to couple them with the right chamber shape/size, and choose the spray volume, mist pattern and throw most acceptable for your situation, not to mention have a timer capable of sub 1 second mist times.

That's a taste of what HPA is, it's not for everyone, but if mastered, it apparently yields very good results, is very low maintenance, saves electricity and nutes, and is really cool if your technologically inclined. See you soon if I didn't scare you away :)


Well-Known Member
IT'S A FUCKING CHALLENGE...see you soon would you expect if all I got is a 8month mother and 40 clones almost ready to grow tits =]


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU, I have been real busy and neglected my project. HP aero turned out to be too much hassle and my negligence cost me a lot of dead plants. I repurposed the system to feed coco and it is working great. The plants are mostly Gods Gift and Cherry Master now. Everything is fed dyna-gro "foilage pro" one part solution. The flowering plants look like they are finishing up so I hand feed them a bit of H&G shooting powder. Not sure if it will do anything but I just had some extra laying around so why not.

This is my vegging area.

This is my flowering closet. The whole thing is about 5'x5'.
Initially the plants looked like this:

IMG_0014.jpgThe ones on the right are HP aero, left is coco.

Then I added a netting to be able to train out the canopy more evenly:
photo (5).jpg

The aero ones got all messed up while the coco ones thrived.

I ended up axing the aero plants and replacing them with 12 more gods gift.



Well-Known Member
Currently flowering set of 12 god's gifts while still in their old veg homes:
Now they are in their new home (right side of the room). The very right edge looked like it was not getting enough light so I built a little ~110watt reflector array to hang over it. The lights are 50% white 50% actinic so it will be interesting to see how they grow differently compared to the ones that only get HPS light.

IMG_0152.jpgIMG_0134.jpgView attachment 2086383


Well-Known Member
Day 47 (cherry master, gods gift) & Day 5 (gods gift)

I am pretty sure I have some kind of nutrient deficiency going on. Does anyone recognize what they might be from pictures? In my previous grows I used the full H&G line. Now I am using only Dyna-Gro Foilage Pro at ~600-800 ppm from beginning to end, with some hand watered supplements. I just hand watered the day 47 plants some "Gravity" and some "Hydro Rush" to feed beneficials. From my understanding, Dyna-Gro Foilage Pro is a complete nutrient so I didn't think I should have any nute problems, I suspect my ph was too high for a while (PH meter broken). All the plants get the D-G Foilage Pro at the same PPM so I don't really understand why only the plants that are so far into flowering show these characteristics. :-|

Lights just turned on:
What deficiencies might these be?

Side view:
Top view:



Well-Known Member
Can't sleep so decided to upgrade the closet garden a bit. Built a 216 watt array to replace the 108 watt one so that every bit of the canopy can get good light. DIY is pretty fun. These arrays are pretty cost efficient and throw light real well. The ballast is from home depot and the reflectors are ordered online for ~$15/each. The bulbs themselves are 2x 4300k and 2x 50% actinic/50% 10k; basically 25% blue 75% white~. I wonder if the plants will appreciate the multi spectrum! These arrays are so easy to build and mount, I'm thinking of mounting some on the walls too to illuminate the sides, which may fatten up the popcorn.


old 108watt
...Replaced by this 216watt. Just doubling up the light!



Well-Known Member
Getting way too antsy waiting for these girls to fully mature so I can harvest them. I was mulling the idea of throwing a UVb bulb in but I can't find them for cheaper than $20 (and what I really want is a PLL/2' T5 UVB bulb rather than one a socketed one) so threw in a 3000k watt ceramic metal halide instead, which I hear does provide some UV. Hopefully the girls will respond positively to this upgrade. If UV indeeds promotes more trich production the results should be apparent because the CMH is mounted on the side pointing at only half of the plants. Should be about a week until harvest.



How did u go about wiring the whisper fan? Please help I bought one but have not received it. I'm worried because I don't know any thing about wiring when ordered thought it would be a fan u plug in the wall but been looking at the online manuels and it seems like you have to wire it! Please if u could help out it will be greatly apriciated.

Trichy Bastard

Well-Known Member
How did u go about wiring the whisper fan? Please help I bought one but have not received it. I'm worried because I don't know any thing about wiring when ordered thought it would be a fan u plug in the wall but been looking at the online manuels and it seems like you have to wire it! Please if u could help out it will be greatly apriciated.
It should be fairly simple- did ya get it sorted?