Closet grow journal - KC Brains Northern Lights Special, CFL


Well-Known Member
HEy Avacado, looking great man!! What is that new set up you have working. Are those T5HO's? How do you like them so far, and are you gonna keep the CFL's around the sides? keep it up bro. I got a northern lights mix working myself, Alquimista...its a pheno though...
Thanks dude. I went the cheap route and just bought a ton of 40W T12s. And yeah, definitely keeping the CFLs around the side, I would probably not feel comfortable about it without them. Ha I'm still taking my first quarter of biology, what does it mean that a plant is a pheno?

Also, does anyone think my leaves are drooping too much? They are taking longer and longer to recover from watering, but I don't know if this is an issue or just due to the plant getting bigger and focusing more nutrients on the buds.


Well-Known Member
Crap, meant to put photo...not in photo period and non auto...sorry about that....

I was at my local hydro store the other day and was talking to the guy about a plant that I have that droops a lot. I told him I was kinda waiting to see a bit of droop before watering and he said that was bad. He said when it becomes too dry it kills the "cilia" from the roots which is what brings up the water/nutes into the main roots. Now they will grow back, but the plant will become stunted for a brief period while the roots rebuild those cilia. It causes stress...and if the leaves droop regularly they will start staying droopy and never regain full vigor. Any stress is bad and will ultimately affect yield and potency.

I personally keep a watering schedule for all my plants..just a suggestion. Hope that helps bro, good luck!!


Hey bro your setup is looking great! i have a t5ho grow going right now... but im changing over to a CFL setup after this. Good luck with the rest of the grow and hope you yeild much more than a half oz. i think you might.
Crap, meant to put photo...not in photo period and non auto...sorry about that....

I was at my local hydro store the other day and was talking to the guy about a plant that I have that droops a lot. I told him I was kinda waiting to see a bit of droop before watering and he said that was bad. He said when it becomes too dry it kills the "cilia" from the roots which is what brings up the water/nutes into the main roots. Now they will grow back, but the plant will become stunted for a brief period while the roots rebuild those cilia. It causes stress...and if the leaves droop regularly they will start staying droopy and never regain full vigor. Any stress is bad and will ultimately affect yield and potency.

I personally keep a watering schedule for all my plants..just a suggestion. Hope that helps bro, good luck!!
Oh yeah, mine's a photo too. Yeah I think I might have let all the people's warnings not to overwater go to my head in the beginning. I've lately started gravitating toward a schedule.


Active Member
Damn... just read your whole journal so far... ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT!! From the girl dying, to ALIVE!!, back to nutrient deficiency, etc. lol

Love what you are doing with the setup!
Lol where was she deficient? Yeah it's been crazy though, I think at least some of my success is due to the hardiness of the strain rather than my own green thumb.

Thanks, I think the plant is way happier now, I'm pretty sure I can already see the kolas getting fatter.
Week 11 Update / 6 Weeks of 12/12

Cutting nutes back to a half dose now, is it a good idea to start giving pure water next week? How are you supposed to calculate two weeks of pure water if you don't know when it'll finish?
So, my friend and I are thinking about going another week and a half and letting it get to the full eight weeks, and then chopping. Our reasoning is this:

This post was done by someone who tested bud harvested after every week of flowering:
The plant maxed out in THC and CBD when trichs were still more than half clear. I have been looking at lots of debate on this and have come to the conclusion that while trichs are a good metric of maturity, they are not the only one that should be considered when deciding when to cut. The best plant in that post still had mostly white pistils as well.

I had my friend in to examine the trichs, because I am unfortunately color blind and have trouble telling the difference between colors between green and brown, so finding amber trichs is hard. My friend insists that some pistils here and there are starting to turn, and that there are about 5-10% amber trichs.

I also found after touching a bud that my fingers stuck together so hard that I could hardly pull them apart. The end of the microscope also got coated in strong adhesive oils. In addition, the plant is starting to smell like a mother fucker. When I open the door to my room (not my closet, just the room) it is overpowering.

So I have a majority of cloudy trichs, strong smell, tons of oil, and evidence that many people harvest too late when judging by trichomes alone. I can only conclude that I should let it go to the full eight weeks, just to err on the side of safety and satisfy the "when you think it's done, wait another week" rule, and cut the bitch down. I have been preparing myself to have to wait a long time to reach maturity, but I feel like the signs are piling up and getting impossible to ignore.
Week 12 Update / 7 Weeks of 12/12

Sorry about the overexposure. Trichs are mostly cloudy, some amber, and some pistils are brown. On top of that, the leaves are starting to look like it's autumn and the colas are hanging down, barely able to support the weight of these buds.

Harvest comes on Sunday.


Well-Known Member
WOW bro, looks incredible!! Cant wait to see the harvest pics!! you got any other beans on the horizon!!??
I think I may actually wait a few weeks to harvest. I was being impatient before, haha. However, PRETTY FALL COLORS!

Yeah this was kind of a test run, I've got an Afghan Kush coming up after this that I'm very excited for.
I chopped my plant yesterday! I ran out of space due to a different project I have going on, and it looked and smelled so good, I thought I'd go for it. I flash dried some and it gets me high as a Georgia pine, so no complaints. Sorry for not posting images directly on here, it's just that there's a lot of them so it's way easier to group it into two imgur albums. They're higher quality this way anyway! I didn't take the wet weight but I'll post the results when it's dried and cured.