closet grower


Well-Known Member
That's a fair amount of light for 10 sq feet. What is your plan for air flow and temp control? In that tight space you may run into problems.


Fuck man, im about in the same boat as you, and im thinkin that anything over 400w would get way to hot in there without a bitchn vent system


got a 200 cfm exhaust fan , my light is enclosed in glass, with an inline fan sucking the heat from the light out of the closet


Well-Known Member
get a quality hood or cooltube for your light and quality 6in inline fan and will be able to put 1k light in. ALWAYS PUSH AIR THROUGH HOT LIGHT WHEN POSSIBLE. FANS PUSH BETTER THAN THEY PULL. besides why would you wanna get your electric fan hot?


get a quality hood or cooltube for your light and quality 6in inline fan and will be able to put 1k light in. ALWAYS PUSH AIR THROUGH HOT LIGHT WHEN POSSIBLE. FANS PUSH BETTER THAN THEY PULL. besides why would you wanna get your electric fan hot?
Everything i've read states that centrifugal fans pull better than they push that point is debatable tho. also, i think it is safer to pull air through the cooltube rather than push. Think what happens if your pushing air through the cooltube and your duct fails. You are then pushing large amounts of hot air INTO your room. Now lets say you are pulling through the ct and the duct fails. The fan will still create negative air pressure in the room by exchausting air from room and cause cool air to enter from outside of the room. The temps will raise becuase the light won't have air blowing around it constantly but this is vastly better than the other option.



Well-Known Member
bp420 jet engines are centrifgul fans, the air is compressed and pushed out faster and under pressure . there is no debate, you have been misinformed. i also suggest you tape all conections. if you suck air and your bulb exsplodes do you want it in your fan? heat kills electic motors over time as it does all electonic componets.