Closet indoor 1st attempt..


Active Member
Hey, new to this but decided to give it a go.

Well currently I'm housing 4x 48'' 40watt Gro-lux tubes (Sylvania's), with 2x 48" 34watt Cool White tubes in between. 228watts total, so I'm guessing thats around 10,000 lumens intended for a 2'Wx6'L grow space.

I'm using pro-mix : "ultimate seedling mix" which contains sphagnum peat moss, vermiculite, lime stone (for ph regulation) and a natural growth enhancer.

The grow space has an oscilating fan on one end, and a 180sq/ft Bionaire Air Cleaner on the other end.. (It has an ion setting>does this help?)

I will leave two small 2" slits in the sliding doorway on both ends to allow air to pass through.

I'm going to use 20-20-20 for the vegetative stage, then move to 10-52-10 for the flowering phase.

(The lights are not intended to be change for the whole process, but I may add more fluorescent if necessary)

And I've made sure there is no way for light to get in the room during flowering...

Currently I'm germinating (paper towel) 2 g17 indica's. I'm only planning on growing 2 at a time and will bend them when their ready.

Is this going to work? Any advice? :roll:


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Well-Known Member
i use grow tubes also but in combination with some regular some pics but ya it seems like it would be alright...


Active Member
Ok, so I woke up this morning and noticed that my 2 G17's are in full sprout, (so 48hours) so I've planted them in my chosen media.

Just 1 question, the soil bag says not to expose to direct sunlight, but to make sure the soil is kept moist once the seedlings emerge..

So given the pictures, should I turn the lights on now? or wait until they pop out of the soil?:confused: (the lights where only on for the pictures)




Well-Known Member
Ok, so I woke up this morning and noticed that my 2 G17's are in full sprout, (so 48hours) so I've planted them in my chosen media.

Just 1 question, the soil bag says not to expose to direct sunlight, but to make sure the soil is kept moist once the seedlings emerge..

So given the pictures, should I turn the lights on now? or wait until they pop out of the soil?:confused: (the lights where only on for the pictures)

If you are using strong lights tinfoil can burn the plants.

People have different opinions on light for sprouting. Some leave the lights on 24/7 and some leave the lights out until the plants sprout.


Active Member

I read somewhere (i wont say) that "waking up" your plants for a few minutes during the VEGETATIVE STAGE's off cycle; to some degree induces female plants...

Is this true?

I would imagine that this would be a horrible thing to do during flowering..



Active Member
My babies have been growing well, (day 10 since planting sprouts)and today I put a block underneath the plants to bring them closer to the light, and within several hours g17#1 shrunk half its previous stem size!?! the other one stayed the same though, is this normal? did it compensate for the distance to the light? and if so, why didn't the other one shrink to?

Will it be ok???

any advice would be helpful.




Active Member
So my babies are growing! :mrgreen:

I'm a little worried about some white crytalline looking type stuff on the first set of 'true' leaves though. It seems like too much chlorine in the water, but I'm using bottled water >chlorine? Also, I've noticed some lighter green discoloration on the leaves...

I'm feeding my plants 1/4 strength 20-20-20 nutes on 18/6.. water when needed and fertilize every second day or so..

Any advice would be great:hump:



Active Member
3 weeks and 3 days from planting sprouts..using 4 foot shop lights and the lights are on 20/4 (using 4x 40 watt gro-lux, and 2x 34watt cool whites) and water every morning and fertilize 1/2 strength 20-20-20 every 2 days.. Do you think they are growing too slowly? Maybe more nutes? Professional advice would be greatly appreciated..

thanks in advance-



Well-Known Member
dont water so much and make sure the ph is right....they should be about twice that size IMO,. once conditions are right they grow super fast about and inch to two a day..


Well-Known Member
I'm no pro but I think "1/2 strength 20-20-20 every 2 days" is a little too much, especially for plants that small still. They look decent though, good luck, happy growing.


Active Member
I know, I know, read a book; but it was an impulse buy and I felt I did enough research, but I've gotten this far and my plants need your help!

1 month old, 228watts cool-white, gro-lux 4 foot tube mix. (20/4)
1/2 strength 20-20-20 once every week
water lightly morning and evening
air purifier with ionizer
g-17 indica

I've noticed yellowing tips on the bottom leaves with is obviously nute burn, then the day later my plants where wilting like this. (I have two, the other looks the same).

What should I do?

Thanks in advance:joint:



Active Member
Ok, so I waited until morning if it was necessary to flush, and the plants still looked the same as the night before, but as soon as I came home from work, the leaves had completely wilted down on one plant and a little less on the second one, so I decided to flush.

Its just a waiting game now..

Any tips would be appreciated..




Well-Known Member
I've noticed yellowing tips on the bottom leaves with is obviously nute burn, then the day later my plants where wilting like this. (I have two, the other looks the same).

What should I do?

Thanks in advance:joint:

Hey whn i read ur post made me think of sumthing i read befor,, may help not sure ,,

Bigger leaves are turning a yellowish color while the smaller leaves are green.
  • Nitrogen deficiency - add nitrate of soda or organic fertilizer.
Taken from ,,

hope it helps hate to see u loose em,,


Active Member
2 days after flush... It seems like my plants are recovering.. #2 is still pretty curled up, but #1 seems to have liked the flush... she's (presuming its female) growing like crazy now!

Obvious signs of total nute burn on the very first set of leaves (torched) on #2, but not so much on #1 but still quite deformed.

I think I need a different schedule for nutes... 20-20-20 1/2 strength on standby.. any suggestions as to the frequency of this feeding would be greatly appreciated...

Think I can still get decent bud outa these plants? (provided their female)




Active Member
I would try 1/4 strength once a week for a while until they respond well, then you can try increasing it slowly...

nutes can be scary. take it slow.


Active Member
So my plants seem to have fully recovered from the flush, and I've quartered my nute bottles. (Dont' want to run into that again:lol:)

G17#2, Which I had earlier presumed to be the stronger plant, is now growing at a much slower/smaller pace but regardless, it is still growing. G17#1 Seems to have loved the flush, she's liking lots of water and has shown me her first 5 leaf.

I was wondering if anyone can tell me when the proper time (By the plants appearance) to start flowering, are there any tell-tale signs?


