closet set up info for soil help


i am trying to get some help on my set up and information all together with plant health and nutes i cant tell whats up with my plants they are 12 days old now

1st= my good plant at 12 days (veg)

2nd= my other plant need help 12 days of (veg)

3rd= my nutes i have not started useing yet i was going to use this nute the whole way??

4th= my c02 i put a milk jug with sugar and yeast between my 2 plants i am going to use for 1 week than keep changing to new c02

5th = my temp is always around 81-84 deg and i have a big fan in the room on the ground blowing up towards the ceiling???

6th =my humity is always in the 40's maybe 50's 1 time it was like low 60's ???

i cant cut holes in the wall for fans or all that high tech stuff right now low budget this month i need help or tips please i wanna move to bubbleponics but i do not understand the full concept of it can anybody send me a link for dummies like myself??



see i do the same to both the plants wait til the top of the soil is dry then i water until the top of the soil is full then i let the water drain down am i doing anything wrong i thought the leaves should turn yellow first before you need to add nutes which is what i am waiting for???ALSO WHAT IS UP WITH MY PLANT THAT HAS THE LEAVES BOWING DOWN ???