Closet Setup First Timer


So I have some reggies bag seeds that i just planted... had like 7 went craz:oy because there wasn't enough room to grow any more than 2 in the closet so i got rid of 5 execution style hahaa.. the roots did look healthy though! But I just wanted to

The smaller is grown in MG Organic. And the Larger is in some starter potting soil or something like that (Forgot the name because I threw away the bag after used it all) and on the top I just recently put about a half inch of MG for food so I can feed them a little when watered with distilled water..

I am worried about over feeding as always... my Adhd is unpredictable and I have a tendency to mess with things too much.

lighting: 18hours on/6 hours off *timer*
-x4 27w 2700k CFL
-x1 27w 5500k CFL

Circulation is done with a fan high above oscillating downward and towards the open end of closet.
Closet 1.jpgBig Boy.jpgcloset 2.jpgbaby girl.jpgPlant.jpg
I water whenever the soil is dry when i stick my finger down and it feels kinda dry. i have a spray bottle of distilled water and i just moisten the soil atop and spray the plant to try and make the stems stronger.
After germination
I Planted the first one the 1st or so of this month (august) and the smaller the 2nd I think.
I had them under 2 7w 7500k lights at first just until I came back from vaca on the 12th I put the 27w 5500k cfl on them then from there after a few days I added a 27w 2700k and now i have the setup Pictured.
Pics Took at night so they are Down and not Perky leaves :/

What household item can I use to measure how much water they should be watered with every three days or so?

And I need advice for lighting, as of right now i have no more cash at all so lemme know what i can do to work with what i have. thanks!


Well-Known Member
lighting advice-----I see you have x4 2700k bulbs, you may want to switch 3 of them to 6500k or 'daylight' CFLs for the vegetation phase then back to your 2700k for flowering
solution- go buy a bulb or two at a time when their on special you have to spend the money at least once if you want the investment to pay off in good smokeable herb

-------------->My first cheapo attempt ------------->

-------------->My second attempt (with upgrades)--------->

my first plant was vegged for a hell of a long time and only got to be about a foot and a half high using mostly flowering lights(2700k)


Since your broke i'll tell you what's cheap to free and better........................plain white paper........that's it

layer it up all around, get rid of all the tinfoil because it can create 'hotspots' on your plants.....bla bla bla bla.......forty bazillion people have all told me the same thing, so I looked it up and found out that it's true. Never use tinfoil with plants.


thaks for the advice, im too lazy to do it now and theres no light on them anyways till 7 so ill do it in the morning when i wake up. and im around a walmart tommrow, a super center and a home depot and bj's ill get the cheapest price i can find.


took tin foil out, but couldnt find any white paper. so its a yellow cardboard box for now... im goin back to sleep tho so ill post an update after i go shoppin.

Edit: sorry for double post. :/

insane 559 jc

Well-Known Member
cfl , peroxide , liquid seaweed, white pvc plastic, thermometer w humidity. purified water, avoid grow shops if at all possible. nothing wrong with cheap to start just dont go cheap with everything or you will screw yourself . use proper nutes (ask around) good soil, pure water.
there is no such thing as laziness with our trade you must adopt a pro active attitude or quickly become overwhelmed by problems or pests. another way to look at it is a half assed attempt produces half assed flowers. this rant is brought to riu by g13. just my 2 cents


Whats good soil thats cheap? and how would i change the soil on the whole plant? I have a ph tester but it only seems to work if the soil is drenched and i dont wanna flood the soil. why pvc plastic? and were's the cheapest store to get it at?


Well-Known Member
Although I agree with some of what insane said (specifically the cfl, thermometer w humidity, good soil) the rest is gravy.

Your going to get lots of people up in your buisness doing their best to 'help' you out and they all mean well and are speaking generally from personal experience but the frills are not nessicary to grow a healthy plant.

The basics that you actually need are light, soil, water and i'll elaborate a bit on these basics for you.

Light-all plants need light to produce energy and grow 2700K color temp for the flowering phase although you can vegetate with them it's not recomended. If it's feasibly possible to do, grab a few 'daylight' bulbs 6500k and add them to your set up, you'll seriously be amazed at the benefit

Soil- clays are bad, sands are bad, black soil is ok, potting soil is ok and if you want high end soil, grab something that's expensive like foxfarms

water- if you don't have a reverse osmosis maching, a distiller or the cash to put out on a bottle of water a week you can take regular everyday tap water, have it in an open jug and let the jug sit for 24 hours or more...leave it open and exposed to air, give it a stir if your really ambitious but leave it sit for 24 hours+ before you use it and it'll work just fine without worrying about chlorinating your plants

To test soil Ph here's what you do - wait til your plant soil is almost dry like usual, add water and all that water you have running out the bottom of the pot when you water it....test that with your Ph meter. That's supposed to give you your soil Ph level (testing the water before hand gives you the waters Ph, testing the run off gives you the soil Ph)

PVC plastic isn't cheap, depending on your size of project it may be worth it but if our doing one plant then use some printer paper taped to the walls, it'll work just fine and cost a grand total of free to maybe 5 bucks (for both paper AND tape)

If your serious about changing the soil your in for an unplesant treat.

since your plants are small it's all good, get a bigger pot (so you don't have to transplant your plant ever again) add your new soil about half way full on the new pot

carefully take the plant AND soil out of it's current pot by gently holding the pot sideways and carefully removing just the pot from the soil block/plant inside. Gently place the plant and the surrounding soil bock in the center of your new pot that has new soil in it and fill with more new soil.

Cheap, easy and fun

Now so I don't get flamed too badly I got to say, doing it the cheap way will grow you a healthy plant but the smoke may not be up to chronic standards, you'll get something free and smokeable and that much makes this whole thing totally worth it in my books.

If you want hydrochronic super fantastic ultra ninjapiratecyborgalienrobot super duper weed, then your going to have to spend a good chunk of money but if your looking to grow some free dope then by all means keep it cheap for your first time, it always hurts less making mistakes that cost a buck than making a mistake that cost you a hundred.


Well-Known Member
Your plants are looking really nice, I'm subbed to your grow dude. Keep up the good work and remember; "If something is working for you, don't fuck with it."


Tell that to my girlfriend who last night decided to decapitate the healthier of the two ;( I made her promise she wouldn't touch them ever again. I did shed a few tears... I'm gonna start 3 more, I have the one with drooping leaves in the bigger pot with its soil because the darker potting soil seemed to work better.


pulled the head right off the stem
I have put it in the smaller soil to try and save it but i doubt it will work... It made the one left look like a friggen coward but im not gonna get mad anymore yesterday i brought the fight back up just because i saw the pics of it again. i have the head in the freezer im gonna smoke it when its dry, idc if its dumb im doing it for the respect of the plant. All about personal use.


setup minus biggie 3.jpggreen 6.jpgside view1.jpgSide view all2.jpgprofile droopy4.jpgsad pic 5.jpg

The Top of the vegging one's new leaves come in with a gray/silver tint just around the edges of the leaves then once the leave is about a little more then half an inch they fill out to green.. is that alright?

Also its starting to smell skunky :) its therapeutical to go over and smell it from time to time.

I lit up the bit my gf topped and did my first homegrown burn and it tasted delicious and fresh.. i dried it in the oven to do it quickly.
actually felt something a little haha filled the whole bowl


Active Member
lighting advice-----I see you have x4 2700k bulbs, you may want to switch 3 of them to 6500k or 'daylight' CFLs for the vegetation phase then back to your 2700k for flowering
solution- go buy a bulb or two at a time when their on special you have to spend the money at least once if you want the investment to pay off in good smokeable herb

-------------->My first cheapo attempt ------------->

-------------->My second attempt (with upgrades)--------->

my first plant was vegged for a hell of a long time and only got to be about a foot and a half high using mostly flowering lights(2700k)


Since your broke i'll tell you what's cheap to free and better........................plain white paper........that's it

layer it up all around, get rid of all the tinfoil because it can create 'hotspots' on your plants.....bla bla bla bla.......forty bazillion people have all told me the same thing, so I looked it up and found out that it's true. Never use tinfoil with plants.
Although it is possible for tinfoil to cause hot spots, the chances it creates a perfect parabolic curve angled directly onto your plant are very slim. Using CFL's will reduce the chances even more, as they don't heat as much. Tin foil shouldn't be used simply because of its inefficiency as a reflective material, not because of its danger. I personally used foil on my first two CFL soil grows and will say that i personally saw zero negative effects. But after using flat white paint, i quickly realized that foil creates little positive effects also.


I replaced the 2700k Lights with 4(6500k) lights so now i have on them 1x 5500k 1x 5000k and 4x 6500k... All above 5000k.... let the vegging Continue :) Im adding a pic later


New 6500k lights.jpggrowing quicker already :)
has 6 leaves i believe ill check in the morning

Will take more in the morning:joint:

can i switch to 24hrs light for a week or two to boost growth or should i keep it at 18/6? id like to grow the seedlings so that i can flower all at the same time


Well-Known Member
I don't know if that's good for the plants or not.

I start out with 24/0 then after a few days I move to an 18/6 schedual and i'm leaving it there (on a timer) till I think their big enough to flower.

going from 18/6 back to 24/0 is someone elses terrirtory but i'm curious on the answer myself.

(Oh, and I heard that even while vegging that it's a good idea to have a ratio of 2 6500k bulbs and one 2300k - 2700k bulb.)

So looking at your 6 bulb set up you should use 4 6500k bulbs and 2 of the other end bulbs